1 |
AU NBAC 115-1 |
Correspondence and leases to and from GMcAG King, General Superintendent re Wilby Wilby Bore, supplying Moorlands Station |
1912 - 1928 |
None |
2 |
AU NBAC 115-2 |
Correspondence and notices re voting for continuation of British Australian Wool Realisation Association Ltd and liquidator's distribution to shareholders |
1922 - 1927 |
None |
3 |
AU NBAC 115-3-1-1 |
Avon Downs correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1932 |
None |
4 |
AU NBAC 115-3-1-2 |
Companies death duties (New South Wales) and succession and probate duties (Queensland) correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1932 |
None |
5 |
AU NBAC 115-3-1-3 |
Completed workers' compensation cases correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1932 |
None |
6 |
AU NBAC 115-3-1-4 |
Contracts correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1932 |
None |
7 |
AU NBAC 115-3-1-5 |
Eagle Grange correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1932 |
None |
8 |
AU NBAC 115-3-1-6 |
Family endowment reports correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1932 |
None |
9 |
AU NBAC 115-3-1-7 |
Moorlands correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1932 |
None |
10 |
AU NBAC 115-3-1-8 |
Mount Margaret correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1932 |
None |
11 |
AU NBAC 115-3-1-9 |
Northern Territory Pastoral Lessees' Association correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1932 |
None |
12 |
AU NBAC 115-3-2-1 |
Avon Downs correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1933 |
None |
13 |
AU NBAC 115-3-2-2 |
Companies (Death Duties) Act and Succession and Probate Duties Act correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1933 |
None |
14 |
AU NBAC 115-3-2-3 |
Contracts correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1933 |
None |
15 |
AU NBAC 115-3-2-4 |
Eagle Grange correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1933 |
None |
16 |
AU NBAC 115-3-2-5 |
Insurance claims correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1933 |
None |
17 |
AU NBAC 115-3-2-6 |
Moorlands correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1933 |
None |
18 |
AU NBAC 115-3-2-7 |
Mount Margaret correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1933 |
None |
19 |
AU NBAC 115-3-3-1 |
Avon Downs correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1934 |
None |
20 |
AU NBAC 115-3-3-2 |
Companies (Death Duties) Act correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1934 |
None |
21 |
AU NBAC 115-3-3-3 |
Contracts correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1934 |
None |
22 |
AU NBAC 115-3-3-4 |
Thomas Davis and Company correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1934 |
None |
23 |
AU NBAC 115-3-3-5 |
Eagle Grange correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1934 |
None |
24 |
AU NBAC 115-3-3-6 |
Moorlands correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1934 |
None |
25 |
AU NBAC 115-3-3-7 |
Mount Margaret correspondence to and from F Holloway, General Superintendent |
1934 |
None |
26 |
AU NBAC 115-4 |
Correspondence between F Holloway, General Superintendent and Avon Downs, Caldervale and Moorlands stations relating to returns and stores on hand, with copies of Family Endowment Claim Forms and covering correspondence |
1932 - 1938 |
None |
27 |
AU NBAC 115-5 |
Correspondence re orders, invoices, accounts, consignment notes for all company stations, with related matters including references for former employees |
1932 - 1938 |
None |
28 |
AU NBAC 115-6 |
General correspondence to and from the company, arranged in alphabetical order in annual series |
1932 - 1938 |
None |
29 |
AU NBAC 115-7-1 |
Correspondence to and from the company, arranged under classified file headings |
1932 |
None |
30 |
AU NBAC 115-7-2 |
Correspondence to and from the company, arranged under classified file headings |
1933 |
None |
31 |
AU NBAC 115-7-3 |
Correspondence to and from the company, arranged under classified file headings |
1934 |
None |
32 |
AU NBAC 115-7-4 |
Correspondence to and from the company, arranged under classified file headings |
1935 |
None |
33 |
AU NBAC 115-7-5 |
Correspondence to and from the company, arranged under classified file headings |
1936 |
None |
34 |
AU NBAC 115-7-5A |
Correspondence to and from the company, arranged under classified file headings |
1937 |
None |
35 |
AU NBAC 115-7-6 |
Correspondence to and from the company, arranged under classified file headings |
1938 |
None |
36 |
AU NBAC 115-7-7 |
Correspondence to and from the company, arranged under classified file headings |
1939 |
None |
37 |
AU NBAC 115-8 |
Statements of sheep and horned cattle depasturing on Peel River estate 1892 ? 1923, Currawillinghi 1892?1911 and Moorlands stations 1913 - 1923 |
1892 - 1923 |
None |
38 |
AU NBAC 115-9-1 |
Peel River, Currawillinghi and Moorlands accounts and returns book |
1914 - 1918 |
None |
39 |
AU NBAC 115-9-2 |
Peel River, Moorlands and Avon Downs accounts and returns book |
1919 - 1922 |
None |
40 |
AU NBAC 115-9-3 |
Peel River, Moorlands and Avon Downs accounts and returns book |
1922 - 1925 |
None |
41 |
AU NBAC 115-10-1 |
Peel River Estate list of accounts and returns |
1911 - 1919 |
None |
42 |
AU NBAC 115-10-2 |
Peel River Estate A cash book |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
43 |
AU NBAC 115-10-3 |
Peel River Estate B journal |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
44 |
AU NBAC 115-10-4 |
Peel River Estate C ledger |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
45 |
AU NBAC 115-10-5 |
Peel River Estate D balance sheets |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
46 |
AU NBAC 115-10-6 |
Peel River Estate E summary |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
47 |
AU NBAC 115-10-7 |
Peel River Estate F statements showing profit on stores at Goonoo Goonoo |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
48 |
AU NBAC 115-10-8 |
Peel River Estate G list of outstanding drafts |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
49 |
AU NBAC 115-10-9 |
Peel River Estate memo of accounts at Goonoo Goonoo |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
50 |
AU NBAC 115-10-10 |
Peel River Estate No. 1 return of sheep |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
51 |
AU NBAC 115-10-11 |
Peel River Estate No. 1(a) return of flocks |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
52 |
AU NBAC 115-10-12 |
Peel River Estate No. 2 return of horned cattle |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
53 |
AU NBAC 115-10-13 |
Peel River Estate No. 3 return of horse stock |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
54 |
AU NBAC 115-10-14 |
Peel River Estate No. 4 salary abstract sheets [nominal] |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
55 |
AU NBAC 115-10-15 |
Peel River Estate No. 5 return showing average cost of persons employed and their occupation |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
56 |
AU NBAC 115-10-16 |
Peel River Estate No. 6 general abstract of provisions at Goonoo Goonoo |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
57 |
AU NBAC 115-10-17 |
Peel River Estate No. 7 list of sundry supplies from Goonoo Goonoo store |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
58 |
AU NBAC 115-10-18 |
Peel River Estate No. 8 list of incidental issues from Goonoo Goonoo store |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
59 |
AU NBAC 115-10-19 |
Peel River Estate No. 9 return of land sold |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
60 |
AU NBAC 115-10-20 |
Peel River Estate No. 10 return of licences issued at gold fields |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
61 |
AU NBAC 115-10-21 |
Peel River Estate No. 11 return showing arrears of rent |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
62 |
AU NBAC 115-10-22 |
Peel River Estate No. 11(a) return showing arrears of interest on mortgages |
1913 - 1920 |
None |
63 |
AU NBAC 115-10-23 |
Peel River Estate No. 12 return of movable property |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
64 |
AU NBAC 115-10-24 |
Peel River Estate No. 13 return of immovable property |
1911 - 1920 |
None |
65 |
AU NBAC 115-10-25 |
Currawillinghi M cash book |
1912 |
None |
66 |
AU NBAC 115-10-25 |
Currawillinghi M cash book |
1912 |
None |
67 |
AU NBAC 115-10-26 |
Currawillinghi N journal |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
68 |
AU NBAC 115-10-26 |
Currawillinghi N journal |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
69 |
AU NBAC 115-10-27 |
Currawillinghi O ledger |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
70 |
AU NBAC 115-10-27 |
Currawillinghi O ledger |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
71 |
AU NBAC 115-10-28 |
Currawillinghi P balance sheet |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
72 |
AU NBAC 115-10-28 |
Currawillinghi P balance sheet |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
73 |
AU NBAC 115-10-29 |
Currawillinghi memo of accounts |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
74 |
AU NBAC 115-10-29 |
Currawillinghi memo of accounts |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
75 |
AU NBAC 115-10-30 |
Currawillinghi return of sheep |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
76 |
AU NBAC 115-10-30 |
Currawillinghi return of sheep |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
77 |
AU NBAC 115-10-31 |
Currawillinghi No. 1 return of flocks |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
78 |
AU NBAC 115-10-31 |
Currawillinghi No. 1 return of flocks |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
79 |
AU NBAC 115-10-32 |
Currawillinghi No. 2 return of horned cattle |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
80 |
AU NBAC 115-10-32 |
Currawillinghi No. 2 return of horned cattle |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
81 |
AU NBAC 115-10-33 |
Currawillinghi No. 3 return of horse stock |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
82 |
AU NBAC 115-10-33 |
Currawillinghi No. 3 return of horse stock |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
83 |
AU NBAC 115-10-34 |
Currawillinghi No. 5 general abstract of provisions |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
84 |
AU NBAC 115-10-34 |
Currawillinghi No. 5 general abstract of provisions |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
85 |
AU NBAC 115-10-35 |
Currawillinghi No. 6 list of sundry supplies |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
86 |
AU NBAC 115-10-35 |
Currawillinghi No. 6 list of sundry supplies |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
87 |
AU NBAC 115-10-36 |
Currawillinghi No. 7 list of incidental issues |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
88 |
AU NBAC 115-10-36 |
Currawillinghi No. 7 list of incidental issues |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
89 |
AU NBAC 115-10-37 |
Currawillinghi No. 8 return of movable property |
1912 |
None |
90 |
AU NBAC 115-10-37 |
Currawillinghi No. 8 return of movable property |
1912 |
None |
91 |
AU NBAC 115-10-38 |
Currawillinghi No. 8(a) return of immovable property |
1912 |
None |
92 |
AU NBAC 115-10-38 |
Currawillinghi No. 8(a) return of immovable property |
1912 |
None |
93 |
AU NBAC 115-10-39 |
Currawillinghi No. 9 statement showing profit on stores |
1912 |
None |
94 |
AU NBAC 115-10-39 |
Currawillinghi No. 9 statement showing profit on stores |
1912 |
None |
95 |
AU NBAC 115-10-40 |
Currawillinghi list of accounts and returns |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
96 |
AU NBAC 115-10-40 |
Currawillinghi list of accounts and returns |
1911 - 1912 |
None |
97 |
AU NBAC 115-10-41 |
Mount Alfred return of horned cattle |
1925 - 1928 |
None |
98 |
AU NBAC 115-10-41 |
Mount Alfred return of horned cattle |
1925 - 1928 |
None |
99 |
AU NBAC 115-10-42 |
Mount Alfred return of horse stock |
1925 - 1928 |
None |
100 |
AU NBAC 115-10-42 |
Mount Alfred return of horse stock |
1925 - 1928 |
None |
101 |
AU NBAC 115-10-43 |
Mount Alfred salary abstract sheets |
1925 - 1928 |
None |
102 |
AU NBAC 115-10-43 |
Mount Alfred salary abstract sheets |
1925 - 1928 |
None |
103 |
AU NBAC 115-10-44 |
Mount Alfred general abstract of provisions |
1925 - 1928 |
None |
104 |
AU NBAC 115-10-44 |
Mount Alfred general abstract of provisions |
1925 - 1928 |
None |
105 |
AU NBAC 115-10-45 |
Mount Alfred list of sundry supplies at stores |
1925 - 1928 |
None |
106 |
AU NBAC 115-10-45 |
Mount Alfred list of sundry supplies at stores |
1925 - 1928 |
None |
107 |
AU NBAC 115-11 |
Stock returns for Avon Downs, Moorlands and Mount Margaret for sheep, cattle and horses |
1933 - 1936 |
None |
108 |
AU NBAC 115-12 |
Revenue and expenditure accounts covering Peel River Estate, Avon Downs, Currawillinghi and Moorlands |
1920, 1924 - 1927 |
None |
109 |
AU NBAC 115-13-1 |
Goonoo Goonoo ledger |
1904 - 1921 |
None |
110 |
AU NBAC 115-13-2 |
Goonoo Goonoo day book |
1904 - 1921 |
None |
111 |
AU NBAC 115-13-3 |
Goonoo Goonoo day book |
1921 - 1924 |
None |
112 |
AU NBAC 115-14-1 |
Avon Downs ledger with half-yearly trial balances |
1927 - 1931 |
None |
113 |
AU NBAC 115-14-2 |
Moorlands ledger with half-yearly trial balances |
1927 - 1931 |
None |
114 |
AU NBAC 115-14-3 |
Mount Alfred ledger with half-yearly trial balances |
1927 - 1930 |
None |
115 |
AU NBAC 115-14-4 |
Mount Margaret ledger with half-yearly trial balances |
1931 - 1934 |
None |
116 |
AU NBAC 115-15 |
Peel River Estate journal - volume of original journal entries |
1912 - 1921 |
None |
117 |
AU NBAC 115-16-1 |
Moorlands journal entries, cash book (1921-1927), cash receipts and banking details, cash payments and cheques, and bank reconciliation |
1921 - 1931 |
None |
118 |
AU NBAC 115-16-2 |
Moorlands journal entries, cash receipts and banking details, cash payments and cheques, and bank reconciliation |
1931 - 1939 |
None |
119 |
AU NBAC 115-16-3 |
Mount Margaret journal entries, cash book (1925-1927), cash receipts and banking details, cash payments and cheques, and bank reconciliation |
1925 - 1932 |
None |
120 |
AU NBAC 115-16-4 |
Mount Margaret journal entries, cash receipts and banking details, cash payments and cheques, and bank reconciliation |
1932 - 1937 |
None |
121 |
AU NBAC 115-16-5 |
Avon Downs journal entries, cash receipts and banking details, cash payments and cheques, and bank reconciliation |
1932 - 1938 |
None |
122 |
AU NBAC 115-16-6 |
Caldervale journal entries, cash payments and cheques, and bank reconciliation |
1935 - 1939 |
None |
123 |
AU NBAC 115-17-1 |
Cash book, with bank reconciliation statements |
1915 - 1923 |
None |
124 |
AU NBAC 115-17-2 |
Cash book, with bank reconciliation statements |
1924 - 1927 |
None |
125 |
AU NBAC 115-17-3 |
Cash book, with bank reconciliation statements |
1930 - 1931 |
None |
126 |
AU NBAC 115-18 |
Bank passbooks and bank statements |
1915 - 1937 |
None |
127 |
AU NBAC 115-19-1 |
Receipt book - miscellaneous |
1930 - 1937 |
None |
128 |
AU NBAC 115-19-2 |
Receipt book - rent |
1904 - 1932 |
None |
129 |
AU NBAC 115-19-3 |
Receipt book - interest on mortgage receipts |
1912 - 1935 |
None |
130 |
AU NBAC 115-20 |
Financial papers relating to capital and stock, investments, mortgages and excess profits duty (English) |
1915 - 1929 |
None |
131 |
AU NBAC 115-21-1 |
Salary abstract and ration book detailing wages of employees, situation, period of employment, rate, and departmental dissection charges for Goonoo Goonoo, and amount of rations issued, with summaries |
1911 - 1917 |
None |
132 |
AU NBAC 115-21-2 |
Salary abstract and ration book detailing wages of employees, situation, period of employment, rate, and departmental dissection charges for Goonoo Goonoo, and amount of rations issued, with summaries |
1917 - 1924 |
None |
133 |
AU NBAC 115-21-3 |
Salary abstract and ration book detailing wages of employees, situation, period of employment, rate, and departmental dissection charges for Goonoo Goonoo, and amount of rations issued, with summaries |
1925 - 1932 |
None |
134 |
AU NBAC 115-22 |
Wages dissection sheets, draft copies of amount paid in wages, dissected into departmental accounts, Goonoo Goonoo |
1934 |
None |
135 |
AU NBAC 115-23 |
Wages advances book, giving details of advances on wages and payment for work done, Goonoo Goonoo |
1919 - 1927 |
None |
136 |
AU NBAC 115-24 |
Moorlands unemployment relief tax statements: details of employees' wages, allowances and amount of tax deducted |
1934 - 1939 |
None |
137 |
AU NBAC 115-25 |
Wages tax remittance forms: duplicate copies of remittances forwarded to NSW Department of Taxation, with details of number of employees, salaries and taxes deducted |
1934 - 1936 |
None |
138 |
AU NBAC 115-26 |
Workers Compensation policies, with calculation of salaries and related correspondence for Goonoo Goonoo, Avon Downs, Eagle Grange and Moorlands |
1931 - 1934 |
None |
139 |
AU NBAC 115-27-1-1 |
Store ledger |
1918 - 1920 |
None |
140 |
AU NBAC 115-27-1-2 |
Store ledger |
1921 - 1923 |
None |
141 |
AU NBAC 115-27-2 |
Rations and issues book: details of issues, rations, cattle and sheep slaughtered |
1918 - 1925 |
None |
142 |
AU NBAC 115-27-3 |
Issue book |
1924 - 1925 |
None |
143 |
AU NBAC 115-27-4 |
Rations book |
1925 - 1927 |
None |
144 |
AU NBAC 115-27-5 |
Store record book: details of stock with cost and selling prices |
1918 - 1925 |
None |
145 |
AU NBAC 115-27-6 |
Rough record book of store stock |
c. 1923 |
None |
146 |
AU NBAC 115-27-7 |
Lists of stores on hand at Goonoo Goonoo, Avon Downs, Moorlands and Mount Margaret |
1933 |
None |
147 |
AU NBAC 115-27-8 |
Store daily cash transactions book |
1903 - 1927 |
None |
148 |
AU NBAC 115-27-9 |
Rough daily record books of goods handled by store |
1925 - 1927 |
None |
149 |
AU NBAC 115-27-10 |
Sales books: details of beef, mutton, flour, fat, tea, sugar and salt sold |
1917 - 1922 |
None |
150 |
AU NBAC 115-27-11 |
Meat account book: details of employees' meat supplies |
1928 - 1930 |
None |
151 |
AU NBAC 115-27-12 |
Garage issues dockets, duplicate copies |
1933 - 1937 |
None |
152 |
AU NBAC 115-28 |
Stud sheep book, giving particulars of stud sheep, breeding details, ear markings, weight of fleeces and stud sheep returns for Goonoo Goonoo |
1904 - 1924 |
None |
153 |
AU NBAC 115-29-1 |
Goonoo Goonoo wool book, itemising type and age of sheep shorn, bale numbers, weight and type of fleece with averages, reports and some comments on shearing |
1885 - 1890 |
None |
154 |
AU NBAC 115-29-2 |
Goonoo Goonoo wool book, itemising type and age of sheep shorn, bale numbers, weight and type of fleece with averages, reports and some comments on shearing |
1890 - 1894 |
None |
155 |
AU NBAC 115-29-3 |
Goonoo Goonoo wool book, itemising type and age of sheep shorn, bale numbers, weight and type of fleece with averages, reports and some comments on shearing |
1904 - 1907 |
None |
156 |
AU NBAC 115-29-4 |
Goonoo Goonoo wool book, itemising type and age of sheep shorn, bale numbers, weight and type of fleece with averages, reports and some comments on shearing |
1908 - 1912 |
None |
157 |
AU NBAC 115-29-5 |
Goonoo Goonoo wool book, itemising type and age of sheep shorn, bale numbers, weight and type of fleece with averages, reports and some comments on shearing |
1913 - 1915 |
None |
158 |
AU NBAC 115-29-6 |
Goonoo Goonoo wool book, itemising type and age of sheep shorn, bale numbers, weight and type of fleece with averages, reports and some comments on shearing |
1915 - 1916 |
None |
159 |
AU NBAC 115-29-7 |
Goonoo Goonoo wool book, itemising type and age of sheep shorn, bale numbers, weight and type of fleece with averages, reports and some comments on shearing |
1917 - 1921 |
None |
160 |
AU NBAC 115-29-8 |
Goonoo Goonoo wool book, itemising type and age of sheep shorn, bale numbers, weight and type of fleece with averages, reports and some comments on shearing |
1922 - 1926 |
None |
161 |
AU NBAC 115-29-9 |
Goonoo Goonoo wool book, itemising type and age of sheep shorn, bale numbers, weight and type of fleece with averages, reports and some comments on shearing |
1926 |
None |
162 |
AU NBAC 115-30-1 |
Shearers' wool books (rough) and lists, giving details of numbers of bales, with contents and weight |
1916 - 1929 |
None |
163 |
AU NBAC 115-30-2 |
Shearers' tally sheets for seasons 1905/6, 1923/26, 1932/33 |
1905 - 1933 |
None |
164 |
AU NBAC 115-30-3 |
Waybills books: owner's copies of waybills for wool despatched from Goonoo Goonoo |
1928 - 1934 |
None |
165 |
AU NBAC 115-30-4 |
Lists of wool bales packed at Goonoo Goonoo |
c. 1933 - 1938 |
None |
166 |
AU NBAC 115-30-5 |
Specification forms (duplicate copies) of Goonoo Goonoo wool forwarded to Dalgety & Co |
1930 |
None |
167 |
AU NBAC 115-30-6 |
Correspondence re JR Stevens re dead wool despatched from Goonoo Goonoo |
1927 - 1928 |
None |
168 |
AU NBAC 115-30-7 |
Counts of sheep in pens for 1929 shearing |
1929 |
None |
169 |
AU NBAC 115-30-8 |
Record book of ration skins, bush skins, hides and wool |
1921 - 1927 |
None |
170 |
AU NBAC 115-30-9 |
Shearing and rainfall schedule, listing numbers advised by cable, actual number shorn, average per sheep, with rainfall figures, and remarks for years |
1913 - 1929 |
None |
171 |
AU NBAC 115-31 |
Woolbrokers reports and catalogues for Goonoo Goonoo and Moorlands wool clips |
1913, 1929 - 1938 |
None |
172 |
AU NBAC 115-32 |
Shearing and crutching agreements (Graziers Association of NSW) for shearers, shed hands, wool pressers, cooks, crutchers, with specimen copies of Experts' Agreements and general employment agreements |
1931 - 1936 |
None |
173 |
AU NBAC 115-33 |
Cattle and horses record book, recording numbers and categories, sales, purchases, deaths, branding and related details, for Goonoo Goonoo |
1890 - 1913 |
None |
174 |
AU NBAC 115-34 |
Land and fencing papers: options, leases, deeds, agreements, plans, particulars and terms of sale and purchase of land, with covering correspondence |
1909 - 1930 |
None |
175 |
AU NBAC 115-35 |
Agreements made with share and tenant farmers, and contractors for clearing, wood-cutting, erection of buildings, fencing, suckering, ringbarking, wallaby and kangaroo shooting, horse-breaking and boiling down of sheep and cattle |
1906 - 1926 |
None |
176 |
AU NBAC 115-36 |
Insurance policies on buildings and contents, motor vehicles, machinery, livestock and crops on Goonoo Goonoo, Avon Downs, Caldervale, Eagle Grange, and Moorlands stations, with covering correspondence with insurance agents |
1914 - 1939 |
None |
177 |
AU NBAC 115-37 |
Wheat delivery dockets and ancillary material |
1933 - 1937 |
None |
178 |
AU NBAC 115-38 |
Rabbit destruction records of numbers of rabbits destroyed at Goonoo Goonoo and Eagle Grange |
1929 - 1932 |
None |
179 |
AU NBAC 115-39 |
Rough station diary, telegram and note books for Goonoo Goonoo |
1929 - 1935 |
None |
180 |
AU NBAC 115-40 |
Avon Downs cash book with reconciliation statements |
1921 - 1928 |
None |
181 |
AU NBAC 115-41 |
Avon Downs day book - loose sheets of entries |
1922 |
None |
182 |
AU NBAC 115-42 |
Avon Downs bank passbooks and statements |
1921 - 1937 |
None |
183 |
AU NBAC 115-42A |
Avon Downs wages book |
1924 - 1928 |
None |
184 |
AU NBAC 115-43 |
Caldervale bank statements |
1934 - 1937 |
None |
185 |
AU NBAC 115-44-1 |
Currawillinghi day book (ledger) |
1908 - 1918 |
None |
186 |
AU NBAC 115-44-2 |
Currawillinghi day book (ledger) |
1913 - 1918 |
None |
187 |
AU NBAC 115-45 |
Currawillinghi cash book with reconciliation statements |
1909 - 1915 |
None |
188 |
AU NBAC 115-46 |
Currawillinghi bank passbooks |
1914 - 1919 |
None |
189 |
AU NBAC 115-47 |
Eagle Grange station diaries, with details of work performed and rainfall figures |
1932 - 1936 |
None |
190 |
AU NBAC 115-48 |
Moorlands cash book with reconciliation statements |
1912 - 1928 |
None |
191 |
AU NBAC 115-49 |
Moorlands bank passbooks and statements |
1914 - 1936 |
None |
192 |
AU NBAC 115-50 |
Correspondence between GMcA King, General Superintendent and AGE King, Overseer-in-charge, Mount Alfred Station re station matters and handing over to AL Roach as caretaker |
1925 - 1929 |
None |
193 |
AU NBAC 115-51 |
Mount Alfred cash book with bank passbook and record of cheques drawn |
1925 - 1928 |
None |
194 |
AU NBAC 115-52 |
Mount Alfred wages record books: wages book, advances on wages due, station store accounts, deductions from wages, and records of telegrams despatched and received |
1925 - 1929 |
None |
195 |
AU NBAC 115-53 |
Mount Margaret general station and household records |
1895, 1925 - 1937 |
None |
196 |
AU NBAC 115-54 |
Mount Margaret stock sales and purchases records, consisting of sale and droving agreements, receipts, waybills, permits to travel stock, delivery notes, account sales and pedigrees of stock |
1922 - 1937 |
None |
197 |
AU NBAC 115-55 |
Mount Margaret and Mount Alfred ledger |
1925 - 1927 |
None |
198 |
AU NBAC 115-56 |
Mount Margaret cash book |
1925 - 1927 |
None |
199 |
AU NBAC 115-57 |
Mount Margaret bank passbooks and statements, cheque butt forms and receipt book (1931 - 1934) |
1925 - 1928, 1933 - 1937 |
None |
200 |
AU NBAC 115-58-1 |
Mount Margaret employees' records relating to salaries, accidents, and general taxes |
1927 - 1934 |
None |
201 |
AU NBAC 115-58-2 |
Mount Margaret employees' relief tax forms |
1935 - 1937 |
None |
202 |
AU NBAC 115-58-3 |
Mount Margaret rough book of beef and mutton distributed |
1938 |
None |