1 |
AU ANUA 52-1 |
'Equity, Environment, Efficiency: Urban Australia'; edited by Patrick Troy |
c. Mar 1997 - Mar 1999 |
None |
2 |
AU ANUA 52-2 |
Institutions and Urban Policy |
c. Sep 1994 - Dec 1998 |
None |
3 |
AU ANUA 52-3 |
The History of Australian Indigenous Housing |
c. Aug 1997 - Feb 1998 |
None |
4 |
AU ANUA 52-4 |
Our House |
c. Aug 1997 - Sep 1998 |
None |
5 |
AU ANUA 52-5 |
History of Housing |
c. Sep 1994 - Apr 1998 |
None |
6 |
AU ANUA 52-6 |
Bradley, Allen; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript only) |
13 Oct 1989 |
None |
7 |
AU ANUA 52-7 |
Carmichael, Prof A.J.; interviewed by Patrick Troy and Shelley Schreiner (transcript and correspondence) |
Feb-Jun 1990 |
None |
8 |
AU ANUA 52-8 |
Cooksey, Fred; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript only) |
20 Jun 1986 |
None |
9 |
AU ANUA 52-9 |
Duncan, Frank; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript only) |
16 Jun 1986 |
None |
10 |
AU ANUA 52-10 |
Hindley, Diane; interviewed by Pat Troy and Clem Lloyd (transcript only) |
15 Aug 1984 |
None |
11 |
AU ANUA 52-11 |
Hughes, Aubrey; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript only) |
20 Jun 1986 |
None |
12 |
AU ANUA 52-12 |
Hutchinson (Bailey), Olive; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript only) |
21 Mar 1986 |
None |
13 |
AU ANUA 52-13 |
Jaeger, Buf; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript, correspondence and a one page handwritten addition to the transcript by Jaeger) |
Oct 1989 - Jan 1990 |
None |
14 |
AU ANUA 52-14 |
Jones, Myrine; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner 2 copies of the transcript - one annotated, correspondence from Schreiner to Jones and photocopy of HDWB correspondence re Jones 1971) |
Mar-May 1986 |
None |
15 |
AU ANUA 52-15 |
Kolmakov (Hughes), Alexandra; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript, photocopy of newspaper clipping and HDWB papers re Kolmakov 1949-1958) |
19 Jun 1986 |
None |
16 |
AU ANUA 52-16 |
Martin, Alison; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript and sample of drafting linen) |
19 Jun 1986 |
None |
17 |
AU ANUA 52-17 |
Nelmes, Ian; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (two copies of transcript, one annotated by Nelmes, and correspondence) |
Feb-Mar 1990 |
None |
18 |
AU ANUA 52-18 |
Paterson, John; extracts from the diary of John Paterson, Feb/Mar 1982-mid 1984 (converted to computerised format by the Coombs Computer Service) |
14 Mar 1986 |
None |
19 |
AU ANUA 52-19 |
Paterson, John; interviewed by Clem Lloyd and Pat Troy (transcript, 'Chronology Notes - Paterson Era, 1982-1984’ and newspaper clipping , Jun 1984) |
Jun 1984 |
None |
20 |
AU ANUA 52-20 |
Proudlock, Ken; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript and correspondence) |
Oct-Nov 1989 |
None |
21 |
AU ANUA 52-21 |
Rees, Allyn; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript only) |
18 Jun 1986 |
None |
22 |
AU ANUA 52-22 |
Ruttley, Lorraine; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript only) |
18 Jun 1986 |
None |
23 |
AU ANUA 52-23 |
Scholes, Bill; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript and correspondence) |
Feb-Mar 1990 |
None |
24 |
AU ANUA 52-24 |
Slattery, Jim; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript and correspondence) |
Feb-May 1990 |
None |
25 |
AU ANUA 52-25 |
Small, Lyle & Bell, Jimmy; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript and correspondence) |
Oct 1989 - Jan 1990 |
None |
26 |
AU ANUA 52-26 |
Tarran, Don; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript and correspondence) |
Oct -Dec 1989 |
None |
27 |
AU ANUA 52-27 |
Thomas, Ted and Margaret ; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript, correspondence and newspaper clipping re Ted Thomas) |
Jun-Aug 1986 |
None |
28 |
AU ANUA 52-28 |
Tobin, Barry; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript and correspondence) |
Oct-Dec 1989 |
None |
29 |
AU ANUA 52-29 |
Vorlicek, Helen; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript only) |
18 Jun 1986 |
None |
30 |
AU ANUA 52-30 |
Williams, Marjorie; interviewed by Shelley Schreiner (transcript & copies of newspaper clippings and HDWB papers re Williams 1942-1967) |
19 Mar 1986 |
None |
31 |
AU ANUA 52-31 |
Hunter District Water Board Project: interviewee name abbreviations and addresses |
nd |
None |
32 |
AU ANUA 52-32 |
In the Federal Court of Australia, New South Wales District Registry, General Division: Between Marrickville Council (applicant) and Minister for the Environment, Sport and Territories (respondent) regarding Sydney Airport third runway project. (Professor Pat Troy acted as a consultant for Marrickville Council in this case) |
c.1995 - 1996 |
None |
33 |
AU ANUA 52-33 |
Summary of the Development of the Sydney Airport Draft Planning Strategy and its Relationship to the Sydney Airport Third Runway (with Annexures) |
c. 1995 - 1996 |
None |
34 |
AU ANUA 52-34 |
Finance for Investment in Urban Development: Urbanisation Seminar, 1 - 2 December 1972, The Mills Room Chancellery, ANU (Collection of Seminar Papers) |
Dec 1972 |
None |
35 |
AU ANUA 52-35 |
Urban Research Program Working Papers (Numbers 37-66, with gaps) |
1993-1994, 1996-1999 |
None |
36 |
AU ANUA 52-36 |
Administration, Compliance and Governability Program Working Papers (Numbers 1-27, with gaps) Pat Troy was head of the Administration, Compliance and Governability Program. Some of the research areas of this Program grew out of the URP such as environmental regulation and urban development. |
1991 - 1995 |
None |
37 |
AU ANUA 52-37 |
Urban History Planning History Conference; Urban Research Program , RSSS, ANU; Urban Research Program Presentation Copy; Vol 1 (Conference Papers and Timetable) |
27-30 Jun1995 |
None |
38 |
AU ANUA 52-38 |
Urban History Planning History Conference; Urban Research Program , RSSS, ANU; Urban Research Program Presentation Copy; Vol 2 (Conference Papers and Timetable) |
27-30 Jun1995 |
None |
39 |
AU ANUA 52-39 |
Urban History Planning History Conference; Urban Research Program , RSSS, ANU; Urban Research Program Presentation Copy; Vol 3 (Conference Papers and Timetable) |
27-30 Jun1995 |
None |
40 |
AU ANUA 52-40 |
Weatherley, Richard A., Visiting Fellow, Administration, Compliance and Governability Program, Urban Research Program, ANU; Compliance Policies in Social Security (Weatherley was assisted by a research grant from the Australian Department of Social Security) |
Feb 1993 |
None |
41 |
AU ANUA 52-41 |
Weatherley, Richard A., University of Washington, School of Social Work;Dole Bludgers, Scroungers, and Cheats: The Political Uses of Welfare Compliance (Manuscript) |
no date |
None |
42 |
AU ANUA 52-42 |
URU / URP Annual Reports |
1972 - 1998 |
None |
43 |
AU ANUA 52-43 |
URU / URP / Urban & Environmental Program Newsletters |
1987 - 1999 |
None |
44 |
AU ANUA 52-44 |
Johnson, K.M. (Research Fellow, URU, ANU); The Property Market in Melbourne: A Case Study of Four Suburban Areas Delivered to a URU Seminar (26 Mar 1973) and to the Third Conference of Economists, Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand |
Mar / May 1973 |
None |
45 |
AU ANUA 52-45 |
Sandercock, Leonie (URU, RSSS, ANU); Property, Privilege and Power: Planning in South Australia 1914-1945 |
9 Apr 1973 |
None |
46 |
AU ANUA 52-46 |
Apps, Dr Patricia (Dept of Architecture, University of Sydney); A Critique of Urban Planning: Directions for Research |
30 Apr 1973 |
None |
47 |
AU ANUA 52-47 |
Vandermark, Elzo (National Capital Development Commission, Canberra); Population and Housing in the Sydney Region |
7 May 1973 |
None |
48 |
AU ANUA 52-48 |
Berry, Michael (URU, RSSS, ANU); Growth Centre Strategies in Political Space |
11 Jun 1973 |
None |
49 |
AU ANUA 52-49 |
Johnson , Ken (URU, RSSS, ANU); Residential Selection and Suburban Development (Reprinted from 'Urban Development in Melbourne, Aspects of the post-war experience', Canberra, AIUS, 1973, pp 59-81) |
9 Jul 1973 |
None |
50 |
AU ANUA 52-50 |
Neilson, Lyndsay (URU, RSSS, ANU); Developers as Conservative Decision Makers |
23 Jul 1973 |
None |
51 |
AU ANUA 52-51 |
Atkins, Ruth (Dept of Political Science, UNSW); Illusion or Reality; Some Comments on the Role of Planning and Government in Urban Affairs (a paper prepared following a seminar held at the URU, ANU, 30 Jul 1973); Illusion or Reality: The Role of Government in Urban Affairs (notes for an URU Seminar held on 30 Jul 1973) |
30 Jul 1973 |
None |
52 |
AU ANUA 52-52 |
Tully, Evan (URU, RSSS, ANU); Leasehold or Freehold and Methods of Allocation |
17 Sep 1973 |
None |
53 |
AU ANUA 52-53 |
Boileau, Ivan (Dept of Town Planning, University of Auckland, NZ); The Education of Planners: A commentary upon the present state of physical planning education and the influence upon it of the educators, the students, the employers and the professional institutions |
8 Oct 1973 |
None |
54 |
AU ANUA 52-54 |
Black, John (URU, RSSS, ANU); Techniques of Urban Land Use / Transportation Planning: A Comparative Study of British and Australian Practice |
26 Nov 1973 |
None |
55 |
AU ANUA 52-55 |
Davis, Richard & Spearritt, Peter (URU, RSSS, ANU); A Social Atlas of Sydney |
11 Mar 1974 |
None |
56 |
AU ANUA 52-56 |
Neutze, Max (URU, RSSS, ANU); Urban Land Policy in Sweden and the Netherlands |
25 Mar 1974 |
None |
57 |
AU ANUA 52-57 |
Sandercock, Leonie (URU, RSSS, ANU); Planning in a Property Owning Democracy - Past, Present and Future (final chapter of a thesis which was being examined at the time) |
29 Apr 1974 |
None |
58 |
AU ANUA 52-58 |
Donnison, David (Centre for Environmental Studies, London); Some Research on Urban Development and Planning Policies (reprinted from an article entitled What is the ‘good city’? published in New Society, 13 Dec 1973, pp 647-49) |
6 May 1974 |
None |
59 |
AU ANUA 52-59 |
Donnison, David (Centre for Environmental Studies, London); Approaches to the Study of Social Administration |
3 Jun 1974 |
None |
60 |
AU ANUA 52-60 |
Donnison, David (Centre for Environmental Studies, London); Innovations in Social Policy |
3 Jun 1974 |
None |
61 |
AU ANUA 52-61 |
Vipond, Joan (URU, RSSS, ANU?); Dynamic Tests of Hoyt's Spatial Model (A research project on Edinburgh by Harry Richardson, Joan Vipond and Ray Furbey) |
10 Jun 1974 |
None |
62 |
AU ANUA 52-62 |
Donald, Owen (URU, RSSS, ANU); Location of Urban Health Services - Efficiency, Equity and Welfare (a thesis proposal) |
24 Jun 1974 |
None |
63 |
AU ANUA 52-63 |
Manzoor Alam, S. (Professor, Dept of Geography & Director, Centre for Urban Research, Osmania University, Hyderabad); Problems of Urban and Metropolitan Planning in India |
8 Jul 1974 |
None |
64 |
AU ANUA 52-64 |
Bethune, Graeme (URU, RSSS, ANU); Housing Tenure and the Distribution of Income |
15 Jul 1974 |
None |
65 |
AU ANUA 52-65 |
Black, John (URU, RSSS, ANU); The Gravity of Accessibility - Seven Sydney Suburbs |
22 Jul 1974 |
None |
66 |
AU ANUA 52-66 |
Mant, John (URU, RSSS, ANU); Land Release Techniques and Residential Form (1 page only: argument to be discussed at a URU Seminar on 12 Aug 1974) |
12 Aug 1974 |
None |
67 |
AU ANUA 52-67 |
Kemp, D. C. (Geog., S.G.S); Financing and Oversupply in the Office Market |
9 Sep 1974 |
None |
68 |
AU ANUA 52-68 |
Batty, J. & Cushing, W.; Building an urban and regional budget system (outline of seminar presentation) & Cushing, W., (DURD); An Urban and Regional Budget System - A Preliminary Outline, Mar 1974 |
14 Oct 1974 |
None |
69 |
AU ANUA 52-69 |
Atkins, Ruth (Visiting Professor at the University of Sydney); Canberra's Government: Some Observations (3 pp); Canberra's Government: Some Observations (13 pp) |
21 Oct 1974 |
None |
70 |
AU ANUA 52-70 |
Edwards, Paul (Formerly Chairman, Housing Forecast Group, National Economic Development Office U.K.); Land and House Prices in the U.K. |
18 Nov 1974 |
None |
71 |
AU ANUA 52-71 |
Davis, J. R. (URU, RSSS, ANU) & Crago, R. S. (Computing Section, RSSS and RSPacS); Instructions for Use of Symap |
Dec 1974 |
None |
72 |
AU ANUA 52-72 |
Davis, J. R. (URU, RSSS, ANU); Mapping the Census, URPIS Conference, Newcastle |
no date |
None |
73 |
AU ANUA 52-73 |
Geddes, Murray (URU?); Area Improvement Programs |
24 Mar 1975 |
None |
74 |
AU ANUA 52-74 |
Davis, Anhthu (Cities Commission); Analyses of Time-Budget Diaries in Melbourne and Albury-Wodonga |
14 Apr 1975 |
None |
75 |
AU ANUA 52-75 |
Kendig, Hal (URU, RSSS, ANU); Neighbourhood Conditions of the Aged and Municipal Policy |
21 Apr 1975 |
None |
76 |
AU ANUA 52-76 |
Spearritt, Peter (URU, RSSS, ANU); Employment and Industry in Sydney c. 1920-1950 |
2 Jun 1975 |
None |
77 |
AU ANUA 52-77 |
Harrison, Peter (URU, RSSS, ANU); A New Regionalism?: A note on the prospects for new planning arrangements in New South Wales after a reading of four publications |
9 Jun 1975 |
None |
78 |
AU ANUA 52-78 |
Milburn, Josephine F. (Visiting Fellow, URU, RSSS, ANU or Dept of Political Science, RSSS?); Women as Citizens: A Cross-National and Comparative Perspective |
29 Apr 1975 (revised June 1975) |
None |
79 |
AU ANUA 52-79 |
Davis, Richard (URU, RSSS, ANU); Sats Data and Car Ownership in Sydney: A Working Paper |
23 Jun 1975 |
None |
80 |
AU ANUA 52-80 |
Bethune, Graeme (URU, RSSS, ANU); Home Ownership Policy and Financial Institutions |
21 Jul 1975 |
None |
81 |
AU ANUA 52-81 |
Zehner, Robert (Visitor to the Dept of Town and Country Planning, University of New South Wales; from the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Carolina); Evaluation of New Communities in the United States; (A paper prepared for presentation at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, 26-29 Aug 1974) |
25 Aug 1975 |
None |
82 |
AU ANUA 52-82 |
Neutze, Max (URU, RSSS, ANU); Postwar Trends in Urban Population Distribution (A draft chapter for a proposed book on the development of Australian cities) |
29 Sep 1975 |
None |
83 |
AU ANUA 52-83 |
Manning, Ian (URU, RSSS, ANU); Reflection on the Poverty Report |
13 Oct 1975 |
None |
84 |
AU ANUA 52-84 |
Neutze, Max (URU, RSSS, ANU); The Location of Jobs |
3 Nov 1975 |
None |
85 |
AU ANUA 52-85 |
Donald, Owen (URU, RSSS, ANU); The Distribution of Health Services in Sydney |
10 Nov 1975 |
None |
86 |
AU ANUA 52-86 |
Pollock, Richard (Visitor to the URU from the Dept of Economics, University of Hawaii); Land Use and Land Use Policy in Hawaii |
17 Nov 1975 |
None |
87 |
AU ANUA 52-87 |
Kendig, Hal (URU, RSSS, ANU); Residential Advantages for the Disadvantaged in Sydney |
24 Nov 1975 |
None |
88 |
AU ANUA 52-88 |
Davis, Richard (URU, RSSS, ANU); Accessibility to Railways in Sydney |
1 Dec 1975 |
None |
89 |
AU ANUA 52-89 |
Troy, Patrick (URU, RSSS, ANU); Equity Aspects of Urban Development (proposed book outline) (2 copies |
1 Mar 1976 |
None |
90 |
AU ANUA 52-90 |
Neutze, Max (URU, RSSS, ANU); Effects of Increases in the Costs of Buying Houses |
8 Mar 1976 |
None |
91 |
AU ANUA 52-91 |
Self, Peter (Visitor to the Dept of Political Science from the London School of Economics); Planning and Land Policy |
22 Mar 1976 |
None |
92 |
AU ANUA 52-92 |
Manning, Ian (URU, RSSS, ANU); Working Locally in Sydney |
29 Mar 1976 |
None |
93 |
AU ANUA 52-93 |
Johnstone, Quintin (Visitor to the Faculty of Law, University of Sydney from Yale University); The Labor Government’s Urban Land Programs, 1972-1975 (1 pg) (2 copies - one annotated) |
5 Apr 1976 |
None |
94 |
AU ANUA 52-94 |
Pollock, Richard (Visitor from the Department of Economics, University of Hawaii); The Role of Loan Finance in Providing Urban Infrastructure |
12 Apr 1976 |
None |
95 |
AU ANUA 52-95 |
Pollock, Richard (Visitor from the Department of Economics, University of Hawaii); The Incidence and Allocation Effects of Urban Development Charges |
31 May 1976 |
None |
96 |
AU ANUA 52-96 |
Donald, Owen (URU, RSSS, ANU); The Need for and Supply of Health Facilities in the Local Government Areas of Sydney |
7 Jun 1976 |
None |
97 |
AU ANUA 52-97 |
Pollock, Richard (Visitor from the Department of Economics, University of Hawaii); Pricing and Costing of Urban Water Supply |
28 Jun 1976 |
None |
98 |
AU ANUA 52-98 |
Kendig, Hal (URU, RSSS, ANU); Residential Features of Inner Sydney |
5 Jul 1976 |
None |
99 |
AU ANUA 52-99 |
Neilson, Lyndsay (E.H.C.D.); Development Activities in Melbourne |
12 Jul 1976 |
None |
100 |
AU ANUA 52-100 |
Firestone, B. M. (URU, RSSS, ANU); An Outline of a thesis on the Institutional Response to Demand for Urban Infrastructure - A case study of wastewater and water supply systems |
19 Jul 1976 |
None |
101 |
AU ANUA 52-101 |
Paterson, M. P. (URU?); Meteorology, Air Pollution and Planning (1 pg) |
2 Aug 1976 |
None |
102 |
AU ANUA 52-102 |
Kendig, Hal (URU, RSSS, ANU); Residential Change in Inner Sydney (1947-1961) |
9 Aug 1976 |
None |
103 |
AU ANUA 52-103 |
Neutze, Max (URU, ANU, RSSS); Criteria for Urban Land Use Policies (paper originally prepared for a conference on Land Policy Problems at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, Mass., June 1976) |
13 Sep 1976 |
None |
104 |
AU ANUA 52-104 |
Archer, R. W. (URU?); Land Pooling for Planned Urban Development in Perth |
20 Sep 1976 |
None |
105 |
AU ANUA 52-105 |
Manning, Ian (URU, RSSS, ANU); Pedestrian Thoughts on Walking Distance |
27 Sep 1976 |
None |
106 |
AU ANUA 52-106 |
Archer, Ray (EHCD); Policy Issues on Rural Subdivision (1 pg) |
25 Oct 1976 |
None |
107 |
AU ANUA 52-107 |
Alexander, Ian (URU, RSSS, ANU); The Changing Role of the City Centre |
1 Nov 1976 |
None |
108 |
AU ANUA 52-108 |
Mellors, John (Dept of Environment, Housing and Community Development); Regional Policy of the European Community |
8 Nov 1976 |
None |
109 |
AU ANUA 52-109 |
Kendig, Hal (URU, RSSS, ANU); Policy Options for the Inner Suburbs |
15 Nov 1976 |
None |
110 |
AU ANUA 52-110 |
Bethune, Graeme (URU, RSSS, ANU); How to Grow Real Estate Rich: Aspects of the Supply of Rental Housing |
22 Nov 1976 |
None |
111 |
AU ANUA 52-111 |
Lloyd, Clem (URU, RSSS, ANU); The Creation and Administration of D.U.R.D. |
29 Nov 1976 |
None |
112 |
AU ANUA 52-112 |
Donald, Owen (URU, RSSS, ANU); Spatial Patterns of Hospital Use in Sydney |
6 Dec 1976 |
None |
113 |
AU ANUA 52-113 |
Grenning, Mark (URU Vacation Scholar, 1976-77); Intra-Urban Residential Mobility: A Survey of Literature |
15 Feb 1977 |
None |
114 |
AU ANUA 52-114 |
Neutze, Max (URU, RSSS, ANU); Urban Policy and the Distribution of Welfare |
7 Mar 1977 |
None |
115 |
AU ANUA 52-115 |
Davis, Richard (CSIRO Land Use Research Division); Geocoding: A Method of Storing Local Authority Data |
21 Mar 1977 |
None |
116 |
AU ANUA 52-116 |
Eyers, Michael (NSW Land Commission); The Community Land Scheme |
28 Mar 1977 |
None |
117 |
AU ANUA 52-117 |
Webb, G. R. (Dept of Economics, Royal Military College, Duntroon); The Use of Transit Lanes as a Low Cost Urban Public Transport Improvement in Sydney |
4 Apr 1977 |
None |
118 |
AU ANUA 52-118 |
Firestone, Bruce M. (URU, RSSS, ANU); An Analysis of Network Costs: A Study of Sydney |
18 Apr 1977 |
None |
119 |
AU ANUA 52-119 |
Alexander, Ian (URU, RSSS, ANU); To Concentrate or Disperse? That is the Question |
2 May 1977 |
None |
120 |
AU ANUA 52-120 |
Beale, Roger (Dept of EHCD, Canberra); Economic Theory, Cost Benefit Analysis and the Evaluation of Urban Projects |
20 Jun 1977 |
None |
121 |
AU ANUA 52-121 |
Archer, R. W. (Dept of EHCD); Metropolitan Land Planning and Management in Sydney, 1945-1977 |
18 Jul 1977 |
None |
122 |
AU ANUA 52-122 |
Manning, Ian (URU, RSSS, ANU); A chapter outline for a book on 'Issues and Alternatives in Urban Development', with a background paper on Car Ownership |
15 Aug 1977 |
None |
123 |
AU ANUA 52-123 |
Neutze, Max (URU, RSSS, ANU); Urban Planning (Draft chapter for a book on urban policy in Australia) |
4 Oct 1977 |
None |
124 |
AU ANUA 52-124 |
Archer, R. W. (Dept of EHCD); Problems of Urban Redevelopment under the Land Market and Planning System |
17 Oct 1977 |
None |
125 |
AU ANUA 52-125 |
Hill, Dr Frederick I. (Research Directorate, Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development); Australian Urban Trends and Indicators: A Rationale and Framework (2 copies: pp 6, 8 & 10 are missing) |
14 Nov 1977 |
None |
126 |
AU ANUA 52-126 |
Lloyd, Clem & Troy, Patrick N.; The History of Federal Government Involvement in Urban Affairs - A Draft Chapter |
28 Nov 1977 |
None |
127 |
AU ANUA 52-127 |
Kendig, Hal & Norman, Jenny; Preliminary Results of the Adelaide Survey of Moves Through the Housing Stock. Includes a copy of the URU survey 'Moves through the Housing Stock Survey' |
5 Dec 1977 |
None |
128 |
AU ANUA 52-128 |
Dawson, John (Visitor to the Unit from the Department of Geography, University of Wales, Lampeter); Some Developments in Marketing and their Impact on Urban Areas |
6 Mar 1978 |
None |
129 |
AU ANUA 52-129 |
Seek, N. H.; Some Conceptual Aspects of Reinvestment in Housing |
20 Mar 1978 |
None |
130 |
AU ANUA 52-130 |
Alexander, Ian; City Structure and Accessibility |
24 Apr 1978 |
None |
131 |
AU ANUA 52-131 |
Dawson, John (Visitor to the Unit from the Department of Geography, University of Wales, Lampeter) & Alexander, Ian (URU); special seminar re 'Employment in retailing - the preliminary results for a project' No seminar paper but copy of associated survey. |
26 Apr 1978 |
None |
132 |
AU ANUA 52-132 |
Manning, Ian; Issues and Alternatives in Urban Development: Thirty Years of Urban Transport, paper previously presented at an Economics Dept Seminar, University of Sydney, 28 Apr 1978 |
12 Jun 1978 |
None |
133 |
AU ANUA 52-133 |
Archer, R. W.; Housing Renewal in Metropolitan Development, (Staff Paper, Research Directorate, Dept of Environment, Housing and Community Development) |
22 Jun 1978 |
None |
134 |
AU ANUA 52-134 |
Coward, Dan; The City Environment: the Controlling of Wastes and Pollutants, (a chapter in a proposed book entitled 'Issues and Alternatives in Urban Development') |
3 Jul 1978 |
None |
135 |
AU ANUA 52-135 |
Bannister, C.H. & Paterson, M.P.; A Technique for Exploring Different Air Pollution Control Strategies in Major Urban Areas |
10 Jul 1978 |
None |
136 |
AU ANUA 52-136 |
Manning, Ian, The Price of Petrol and Future Urban Transport |
24 Jul 1978 |
None |
137 |
AU ANUA 52-137 |
Beattie, Don; The Priorities Review Staff Report on Housing 1975 |
7 Aug 1978 |
None |
138 |
AU ANUA 52-138 |
Kendig, Hal; Why People Move |
14 Aug 1978 |
None |
139 |
AU ANUA 52-139 |
Blackburn, V.C. (E.H.C.D.); An Analysis of the Impact of Commonwealth-State Grants on Local Government Financial Behaviour |
18 Sep 1978 |
None |
140 |
AU ANUA 52-140 |
Eyers, E.S.; The Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Housing Costs |
25 Sep 1978 |
None |
141 |
AU ANUA 52-141 |
Harris, W.J. (First Assistant Secretary, Housing Division, Dept of Environment, Housing and Community Development); The Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement of 1978 |
3 Oct 1978 |
None |
142 |
AU ANUA 52-142 |
Stilwell, Frank (Sydney University); Spatial Aspects of Capitalist Development, Economic Crises and Urban Development (Master & draft) |
9 Oct 1978 |
None |
143 |
AU ANUA 52-143 |
Mant, John (Director-General, Dept of Housing, Urban and Regional Affairs, Adelaide, S.A.); The Reorganisation of Planning and Housing in South Australia |
30 Oct 1978 |
None |
144 |
AU ANUA 52-144 |
Alexander, Ian & Phan, Van; The Impact of Office Dispersal on Work Journeys and Metropolitan Travel Patterns |
13 Nov 1978 |
None |
145 |
AU ANUA 52-145 |
Swanson, G.C. (Visiting Fellow to the URU from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA) & Swanson, S.C.; Coastal Zone Management in Australia: Current Programs and Future Options |
20 Nov 1978 |
None |
146 |
AU ANUA 52-146 |
Frisch, Jack; Marxist, Liberal and Libertarian Theories of the State, (notes only) (Master & draft) |
27 Nov 1978 |
None |
147 |
AU ANUA 52-147 |
Kendig, Hal; Moves into Private Rental Housing |
4 Dec 1978 |
None |
148 |
AU ANUA 52-148 |
Smith, Howard (Vacation Scholar from Murdoch University); State Intervention and Australian Urban Political Economy |
26 Feb 1979 |
None |
149 |
AU ANUA 52-149 |
Manning, Ian; A Statistical History of Urban Passenger Transport in Australia |
26 Mar 1979 |
None |
150 |
AU ANUA 52-150 |
Buck, Trevor (University of Nottingham, visiting Murdoch University); Regional Class Differences: An International Study of Capitalism |
9 Apr 1979 |
None |
151 |
AU ANUA 52-151 |
Seek, N.H.; Relocate, Reinvest or Redevelop? |
23 Apr 1979 |
None |
152 |
AU ANUA 52-152 |
Morris, J. & Lane, J.; Regional Variations in Household Expenditure on Transport in Australia, Australian Road Research Board Research Report, ARR No. 85, Dec 1978 |
30 Apr 1979 |
None |
153 |
AU ANUA 52-153 |
Manning, Ian: The Finance and Administration of Australian Urban Roads 1918-1945 |
11 Jun 1979 |
None |
154 |
AU ANUA 52-154 |
Firestone, B.M.; The Institutional Response to Demand for Urban Infrastructure - A Case Study of Water Supply and Wastewater Systems |
26 Jun 1979 |
None |
155 |
AU ANUA 52-155 |
Domicelj, Serge (Dept of Town and Country Planning, Sydney University); The Practice of National and Project Planning in Developing Countries |
9 Jul 1979 |
None |
156 |
AU ANUA 52-156 |
Maher, Chris (Dept of Geography, Monash University); New Construction and Household Movement: The Implications of Vacancy Chains in Melbourne |
17 Jul 1979 |
None |
157 |
AU ANUA 52-157 |
Painter, Martin (Dept of Government, University of Sydney); Urban Government, Urban Politics and the Fabrication of Urban Issues: The Impossibility of Urban Policy |
24 Sep 1979 |
None |
158 |
AU ANUA 52-158 |
Neutze, Max; Housing Submarkets: A Conceptual Framework |
22 Oct 1979 |
None |
159 |
AU ANUA 52-159 |
Seek, N.H.; Adjustment of Housing Consumption by Home Improvements: Some Empirical Evidence |
26 Nov 1979 |
None |
160 |
AU ANUA 52-160 |
Smith, Randall (School for Advanced Urban Studies, University of Bristol); Joint Approaches to Social Policy: A Commentary on Developments in the United Kingdom |
3 Dec 1979 |
None |
161 |
AU ANUA 52-161 |
Neutze, Max; Planning, Policy and Management (Draft of paper to be presented at the Jubilee ANZAAS Congress, Adelaide, 12-16 May 1980, in Section 4, Architecture and Planning) |
24 Mar 1980 |
None |
162 |
AU ANUA 52-162 |
Seek, N.H.; Adaptation Versus Relocation: Some Empirical Evidence |
31 Mar 1980 |
None |
163 |
AU ANUA 52-163 |
Webber, Mike (Dept of Geography, McMaster University, Visiting Fellow, Dept of Geography, University of Sydney); Operational Models in Urban Planning |
14 Apr 1980 |
None |
164 |
AU ANUA 52-164 |
Whitbread, Michael (Visiting Fellow from the Dept of Industry, London); Regional Economic Growth in the European Economic Community 1950-75 |
21 Apr 1980 |
None |
165 |
AU ANUA 52-165 |
Taeuber, Ken (Director-General of Lands, South Australia); Land Information Systems and Land Resource Management (notes) |
28 Apr 1980 |
None |
166 |
AU ANUA 52-166 |
Harmer, J. A.; The I.P.C. and the Multi-Unit Dwelling Report.Attached to the master is a paper by John Boundy (Dept of Housing and Construction); The Indicative Planning Council - Its Development and Projections |
19 May 1980 |
None |
167 |
AU ANUA 52-167 |
Goodman, John L. Jr.; Back to the City: Misperceptions of the '70s, Prospects for the '80s |
26 May 1980 |
None |
168 |
AU ANUA 52-168 |
Mant, John (Visiting Fellow, Dept of Administrative, Social and Political Studies, Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education); Looking Backwards |
2 Jun 1980 |
None |
169 |
AU ANUA 52-169 |
Morris, Gwen; The Economist Proposes; The Lawyer Disposes - Implementing Urban Plans |
23 Jun 1980 |
None |
170 |
AU ANUA 52-170 |
Alexander, Ian & Larocque, John; Measuring Urban Spatial Inequality |
30 Jun 1980 |
None |
171 |
AU ANUA 52-171 |
Edwards, Paul (South Australian Housing Trust); The Public Housing System |
7 Jul 1980 |
None |
172 |
AU ANUA 52-172 |
Roder, John (His Honour Judge Roder; South Australian Planning Appeal Board); The Planning Appeal System |
14 Jul 1980 |
None |
173 |
AU ANUA 52-173 |
Neutze, Max; Regional Planning in New Zealand |
28 July 1980 |
None |
174 |
AU ANUA 52-174 |
Harrison, Peter; Planning and Land Development; Rural - to - urban Conversion in Sydney |
4 Aug 1980 |
None |
175 |
AU ANUA 52-175 |
Latham, Malcolm (Associate Commissioner, NCDC - formerly, Director of Planning, Auckland Regional Authority); Regional Planning in Auckland |
20 Aug 1980 |
None |
176 |
AU ANUA 52-176 |
Simpson, Gary (SGS); Papua New Guinea's Less Developed Areas Strategy. A Reform Strategy or 'Reform Mongering'? |
15 Sep 1980 |
None |
177 |
AU ANUA 52-177 |
Unger, John; Land Use on the South Coast: Environmental Policy and its Equity Implications |
22 Sep 1980 |
None |
178 |
AU ANUA 52-178 |
Self, Peter (Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics); Purposes and Politics of Urban Planning |
29 Sep 1980 |
None |
179 |
AU ANUA 52-179 |
Spearritt, Peter (URU) & Poulsen, Michael (Macquarie University); Sydney at and Between Censuses: 1971-1976 |
13 Oct 1980 |
None |
180 |
AU ANUA 52-180 |
Kendig, Hal L.; Residential Mobility and the Housing Market (a chapter taken from Buying and Renting: Household Moves in Adelaide, which will be published by the Australian Institute of Urban Studies early next year) |
20 Oct 1980 |
None |
181 |
AU ANUA 52-181 |
Halligan, John; The Victorian Inquiry into Local Government |
27 Oct 1980 |
None |
182 |
AU ANUA 52-182 |
Taylor, Morris (University of Auckland); Information Systems for Local Government - Some Trans - Tasman Impressions |
17 Nov 1980 |
None |
183 |
AU ANUA 52-183 |
Williams, Peter; Restructuring Urban Managerialism |
9 Mar 1981 |
None |
184 |
AU ANUA 52-184 |
Unger, John; Managing the Coastal Zone in New South Wales |
11 May 1981 |
None |
185 |
AU ANUA 52-185 |
Halligan , John; Power and Politics in Melbourne City Council |
18 May 1981 |
None |
186 |
AU ANUA 52-186 |
Daly, Maurice (University of Sydney); The City as a Money Machine: Trends in Investment Patterns in Australian Cities |
25 May 1981 |
None |
187 |
AU ANUA 52-187 |
Whitehead, Christine M. E. (London School of Economics and Dept of Land Economy, Cambridge); Prospects for Owner-Occupation |
1 Jul 1981 |
None |
188 |
AU ANUA 52-188 |
Nsutebu, Zachary; Urban Change: Implications of Changing Demand and Supply of School Resources in Selected Neighbourhoods |
13 Jul 1981 |
None |
189 |
AU ANUA 52-189 |
Bigsworth, Kerrie (Plant Location International, Sydney); The Distribution of Housing Subsidies Amongst Public Sector Tenants in Britain |
20 Jul 1981 |
None |
190 |
AU ANUA 52-190 |
Berry, Mike (Social Studies, RMIT); Towards a Political Economy of Australian Urbanisation in the Nineteenth Century: Working Papers |
3 Aug 1981 |
None |
191 |
AU ANUA 52-191 |
Donnison, David (Glasgow, Visiting Fellow); The Politics of Poverty |
10 Aug 1981 |
None |
192 |
AU ANUA 52-192 |
Saunders, Peter (Sussex Uni & Visiting Research Fellow, Melbourne University); Is there a Weberian Urban Sociology? A Critique of the New Marxist Orthodoxy in Urban Studies and an Outline of an Alternative Approach |
17 Aug 1981 |
None |
193 |
AU ANUA 52-193 |
Donnison, David (Glasgow, Visiting Fellow, URU); Poverty Policies in Britain |
7 Sep 1981 |
None |
194 |
AU ANUA 52-194 |
Bryson, Lois (School of Sociology, University of New South Wales); Australian Community Studies: A Critique |
14 Sep 1981 |
None |
195 |
AU ANUA 52-195 |
Troy, Pat & Lloyd, Clem; The Commonwealth Housing Commission and a National Housing Policy; A Working Draft |
21 Sep 1981 |
None |
196 |
AU ANUA 52-196 |
Dear, Michael (McMaster University & UNSW); The Capitalist State Apparatus, (Prepared for a presentation at the Seventh Pacific Regional Science Conference, Queensland, 1981) |
28 Sep 1981 |
None |
197 |
AU ANUA 52-197 |
Marceau, Jane (Sociology, RSSS); Education, Urban Development and Local Initiatives |
12 Oct 1981 |
None |
198 |
AU ANUA 52-198 |
Jager, Mike (Sociology, La Trobe); Urban Conservation as Urban Conflict |
19 Oct 1981 |
None |
199 |
AU ANUA 52-199 |
Maher, Chris (Dept of Geography, Monash University); Changing Approaches to Residential Mobility: Scale, Context, and Outcomes |
26 Oct 1981 |
None |
200 |
AU ANUA 52-200 |
McLoughlin, J. Brian (Visiting Lecturer, Dept of Geography, UNE); The Crisis in British Planning Education and Research |
9 Nov 1981 |
None |
201 |
AU ANUA 52-201 |
Allport, Carolyn (History, Macquarie); Planning for Post-War Suburbia: Implications for Women |
16 Nov 1981 |
None |
202 |
AU ANUA 52-202 |
Unger, John; Public and Private Interests in Coastal Conservation: Local Case Studies |
23 Nov 1981 |
None |
203 |
AU ANUA 52-203 |
Green, David G.; The Role of the State (Or: The Invisible Hand: Maybe it Wasn |
30 Nov 1981 |
None |
204 |
AU ANUA 52-204 |
De Hoog, John; Marx, Weber, Methodology and Housing: Some reflections on urban sociology |
28 Jan 1982 |
None |
205 |
AU ANUA 52-205 |
Jakubowicz, Andrew (Dept of Sociology, University of Wollongong); Was There a Green Ban Movement? |
5 Apr 1982 |
None |
206 |
AU ANUA 52-206 |
Jupp, James (Principal Lecturer in Politics, Canberra CAE); The Politics of 'Ethnic' Areas of Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide |
19 Apr 1982 |
None |
207 |
AU ANUA 52-207 |
Adrian, Colin (Lecturer in Geography, UNSW, RMC, Duntroon); Institutional Constrains in Public Service Provision |
31 May 1982 |
None |
208 |
AU ANUA 52-208 |
Robinson, Ray (Dept of Social Studies, University of Sussex); Housing Taxes and Subsidies in Britain: Income Distributional Effects and Proposals for Reform |
19 Jul 1982 |
None |
209 |
AU ANUA 52-209 |
Mingione, Enzo (URU Visitor from University of Messina, Sicily); Informalization and Restructuring: The Family and the State. Also with the master is: Final Report: Seminar on Comparative Urbanization Problems, Mexico City, 21 Aug 1982 |
11 Oct 1982 |
None |
210 |
AU ANUA 52-210 |
Saunders, Peter (Visiting Fellow, ANU); Beyond Housing Classes: The Sociological Significance of Private Property Ownership in Means of Consumption (With Particular Reference to Owner-Occupation in Britain) |
25 Oct 1982 |
None |
211 |
AU ANUA 52-211 |
Williams, Peter (URU, RSSS); The Politics of Property: Home Ownership in Australia |
14 Mar 1983 |
None |
212 |
AU ANUA 52-212 |
Sanders, Will (URU, RSSS); Access to Income Maintenance for Aborigines and Migrants: A Thesis Proposal on the Administrative Allocation of Resources |
24 Mar 1983 |
None |
213 |
AU ANUA 52-213 |
Paris, Chris & Williams, Peter; The Impact of Market Rents: Residualising Public Housing |
11 Apr 1983 |
None |
214 |
AU ANUA 52-214 |
Self, Peter; Policy Making and Planning in Australian States |
18 Apr 1983 |
None |
215 |
AU ANUA 52-215 |
Paterson, John (President, Hunter District Water Board); Bureaucratic Reform by Cultural Revolution |
6 Jun 1983 |
None |
216 |
AU ANUA 52-216 |
Cocke, Elizabeth A.; Change, Conflict, and Power: Gentrification in Australia |
20 Jun 1983 |
None |
217 |
AU ANUA 52-217 |
Adrian, Colin (URU); Response to Post-War Suburbanisation: Sewerage Services in Sydney |
27 Jun 1983 |
None |
218 |
AU ANUA 52-218 |
Mullins, Patrick (Visiting Fellow, from Dept of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Queensland); Hedonism and Real Estate: An Analysis of Resort Tourism and Gold Coast Development |
11 Jul 1983 |
None |
219 |
AU ANUA 52-219 |
Paris, Chris; What is the Private Rental Sector? |
1 Aug 1983 |
None |
220 |
AU ANUA 52-220 |
Evans, Alan W. (Visiting Melbourne University from Reading, England); Outer City Unemployment in Australia: Inside Out Down Under? |
15 Aug 1983 |
None |
221 |
AU ANUA 52-221 |
Neutze, Max; The Report of the NCDC Review Committee (A List of Recommendations put forward by the NCDC Review Committee) |
10 Oct 1983 |
None |
222 |
AU ANUA 52-222 |
Neutze, Max; Owner-Occupied and Rented Housing |
17 Oct 1983 |
None |
223 |
AU ANUA 52-223 |
Flood, Joe (CSIRO, Division of Building Research); Market Subsidies for Housing and Housing Economics - True or False? |
24 Oct 1983 |
None |
224 |
AU ANUA 52-224 |
Ross, Helen (Dept of Aboriginal Affairs); 'Planning for the People: Aboriginal Views of Housing', Northern Territory Construction, July 1983, pp 16-18 |
31 Oct 1983 |
None |
225 |
AU ANUA 52-225 |
Drake, Madeline; Understanding Homelessness in the UK |
3 Nov 1983 |
None |
226 |
AU ANUA 52-226 |
Field, Tim (Social Welfare Policy Secretariat); 'Pensioners Who Rent - Problems and Alternatives', Social Security Journal, June 1983, pp 23-37 |
7 Nov 1983 |
None |
227 |
AU ANUA 52-227 |
Bethune, Graeme (South Australian Housing Trust); Public Housing, Welfare Housing or Both?: Recent Developments in South Australia and Prospects for the 1984 Housing Agreement |
14 Nov 1983 |
None |
228 |
AU ANUA 52-228 |
Mohl, Raymond A. (Dept of History, Florida Atlantic University); Miami Map and Population Tables, 1940-1980, Material prepared for Raymond A. Mohl, 'Miami: The Ethnic Cauldron' in R. M. Bernard & B. R. Rice (eds.), Sunbelt Cities: Politics and Growth Since World War Two, University of Texas Press, 1983 |
8 Dec 1983 |
None |
229 |
AU ANUA 52-229 |
Pickvance, Chris (Visiting Fellow); Seminar Presentation: ‘The Politics of Inner City and Regional Policy: “Bottom-Up” Spatial Pressures’, Joint Seminar by the Human Geography Department and the Urban Research Unit. Attached Paper: , C.G. Pickvance, Spatial policy as territorial politics: the role of spatial coalitions in the articulation of 'spatial' interests and in the demand for spatial policy, Revised version of paper presented to the British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Cardiff, 5-8 April 1983 |
14 Dec 1983 |
None |
230 |
AU ANUA 52-230 |
Neutze, Max (Director RSSS); Land Use Planning and Local Economic Development, Revised Version of a paper presented to the New South Wales Local Government Planners Association Conference, Macquarie University, 15 Feb 1984 |
2 Apr 1984 |
None |
231 |
AU ANUA 52-231 |
Lambooy, Jan G. (University of Amsterdam); Seminar Presentation: ‘Dilemmas in Regional Policy’ Attached Paper: Lambooy, J. G., 'Regional economic policy: An institutional - economic approach', in A. Kuklinski & J. G. Lambooy, Dilemmas in Regional Policy, Mouton, Berlin, nd |
17 Apr 1984 |
None |
232 |
AU ANUA 52-232 |
Sanders, Will; Aboriginal Town Camping: Institutional Practices and Local Politics |
7 May 1984 |
None |
233 |
AU ANUA 52-233 |
Watson, Sophie; Housing and the Family: The Marginalisation of Single Households in Britain, 14 May 1984 & Housing and the Family: The Marginalisation of Non-Family Households in Britain, June 1984 |
14 May 1984 |
None |
234 |
AU ANUA 52-234 |
Milnor, Andrew (Visiting Fellow, from State University of New York); Poverty and the Poor: Implications for Policy |
28 May 1984 |
None |
235 |
AU ANUA 52-235 |
Wilmoth, David (NSW Dept of Environment and Planning); The Formation of National Urban Policy in the USA, 1976-1980 |
25 Jun 1984 |
None |
236 |
AU ANUA 52-236 |
Zagorski, Krzysztof (Dept of Sociology, RSSS); Typology of Polish Towns and Social Mobility |
2 Jul 1984 |
None |
237 |
AU ANUA 52-237 |
Cass, Bettina (Dept of Social Work, University of Sydney); Unemployment in the Western Region of Sydney: Local Labour Market, Transport and Housing Issues |
16 Jul 1984 |
None |
238 |
AU ANUA 52-238 |
McLoughlin, Peter (Monash); Small firms: implications for urban economic development |
6 Aug 1984 |
None |
239 |
AU ANUA 52-239 |
Botham, Ron (Liverpool Polytechnic); Training, Job Creation and Spatial Policy: The Potential Role of a Marginal Employment Subsidy |
8 Oct 1984 |
None |
240 |
AU ANUA 52-240 |
Cocke, Elizabeth A. (Research Scholar, URU); Gentrification in Inner Sydney: The Evidence of Social and Political Change, 1961-1981 |
15 Oct 1984 |
None |
241 |
AU ANUA 52-241 |
Paris, Chris; From Cuts to Chaos: British Local Government Under the Tories |
29 Oct 1984 |
None |
242 |
AU ANUA 52-242 |
Lloyd, Clem; Water and Politics |
17 Dec 1984 |
None |
243 |
AU ANUA 52-243 |
Cocke, Elizabeth A. (Research Scholar, URU); Chapter One: Concepts, Definitions and Theory (Draft Chapter) |
15 Apr 1985 |
None |
244 |
AU ANUA 52-244 |
Williams, Oliver (Dept of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania); Urbanism: An Allocation Form |
29 Apr 1985 |
None |
245 |
AU ANUA 52-245 |
Lomasky, L.; Two Concepts of Liberalism, for the Social Issues Work-in-Progress Seminars run jointly by the Social Justice Project and the Urban Research Unit, RSSS |
6 May 1985 |
None |
246 |
AU ANUA 52-246 |
Freestone, Robert (URU); Canberra as a Garden City, 1900-1930 |
13 May 1985 |
None |
247 |
AU ANUA 52-247 |
Faulbaum, Susan (URU); The Nature of Landlord-Tenant Problems in the Private Rental Sector |
17 Jun 1985 |
None |
248 |
AU ANUA 52-248 |
Troy, P. N.; Why a Water Board? |
24 Jun 1985 |
None |
249 |
AU ANUA 52-249 |
Sanders, Will (URU); Aborigines and the Social Security System: A Policy Studies Approach, a draft of introductory chapter for Sanders' PhD provisionally entitled 'Access, Administration and Politics: The Social Security System and Aborigines' |
9 Sep 1985 |
None |
250 |
AU ANUA 52-250 |
Orchard, Lionel (University of Adelaide); The American 'Great Society’ Debates and the Analysis of the Whitman Government's Urban Reforms |
23 Sep 1985 |
None |
251 |
AU ANUA 52-251 |
Short, John R.; Trouble in Utopia: Emerging Tensions in the UK's Silicone Valley |
14 Oct 1985 |
None |
252 |
AU ANUA 52-252 |
Daunton, Martin (University College, London); The City of London and British Society, 1850-1914: Some Hypothesis |
21 Oct 1985 |
None |
253 |
AU ANUA 52-253 |
Pearce, Barry (Land Economy, Cambridge); Drawing Back the Boundaries of Planning Control |
4 Nov 1985 |
None |
254 |
AU ANUA 52-254 |
Cocke, Elizabeth A.; Housing Renovation in Inner Sydney: 1961-1980 |
18 Nov 1985 |
None |
255 |
AU ANUA 52-255 |
Faulbaum, Susan; Victoria |
20 Nov 1985 |
None |
256 |
AU ANUA 52-256 |
Adrian, Colin (Research Director, Australian Institute of Urban Studies); Public - Private Sector Joint Venturing: A Case Study of the Queen Victoria Building Restoration, Sydney (Draft chapter for a forthcoming edited book, Australian Property Markets: Trends, Policies and Development Case Studies, Australian Institute of Urban Studies, Publication No. 125) |
25 Nov 1985 |
None |
257 |
AU ANUA 52-257 |
Neutze, Max; Urban Studies in Australia: Ten Years On |
9 Dec 1985 |
None |
258 |
AU ANUA 52-258 |
URU Seminar Series: 'Canberra's Urban Development, What Sort of City?' |
c. Mar-May 1988 |
None |
259 |
AU ANUA 52-259 |
Troy, Patrick N.; Is Australia a Just Society? |
14 Sep 1988 |
None |
260 |
AU ANUA 52-260 |
'Metropolis in Australia' - Joint Urbanisation Seminar, Canberra (Organised by the Social Science Research Council) |
Jan 1964 |
None |
261 |
AU ANUA 52-261 |
Bunker, Raymond (Dept of Town and Country Planning, University of Sydney); Land Use in the Central Area of Melbourne in 1951 and 1962 |
May 1965 |
None |
262 |
AU ANUA 52-262 |
Kennedy, W. B. (Officer in Charge, Building Operations & Economics Section, CSIRO, Division of Building Research); Urban Planning and Building Productivity |
c. Mar 1965 |
None |
263 |
AU ANUA 52-263 |
Joint Urbanisation Seminar in Australia, Canberra, 25 February 1966 |
Feb 1966 |
None |
264 |
AU ANUA 52-264 |
Sawer, G.; Redevelopment and the Law of Town Planning |
Sep 1966 |
None |
265 |
AU ANUA 52-265 |
Gifford, Kenneth, H. (Her Majesty’s Counsel for Victoria, Queensland & Tasmania and independent lecturer in Law of Planning and in Central and Local Government at University of Melbourne); Planning Law and Urban Development (2 copies - transcript of seminar & final copy of paper) |
no date |
None |
266 |
AU ANUA 52-266 |
Joint Urbanisation Seminar: 'Urban Redevelopment' |
Oct 1966 |
None |
267 |
AU ANUA 52-267 |
Joint Urbanisation Seminar: High Investment Public Services, Canberra, 23-24 June 1967 |
Jun 1967 |
None |
268 |
AU ANUA 52-268 |
Joint Urbanisation Seminar: 'A Critique of Physical Planning in Australia, Canberra, 1-2 December 1967 |
Dec 1967 |
None |
269 |
AU ANUA 52-269 |
Joint Urbanisation Seminar: 'Planning for Schools in Urban Areas'14-15 June 1968 |
Jun 1968 |
None |
270 |
AU ANUA 52-270 |
Joint Urbanisation Seminar: Public Health in Urban Areas, 6-7 December 1968 |
Dec 1968 |
None |
271 |
AU ANUA 52-271 |
Joint Urbanisation Seminar: Housing - Who Gets What, Where? |
Dec 1969 |
None |
272 |
AU ANUA 52-272 |
Wettenhall, R. L.; Political and Administrative Questions in Urban Studies |
c. 1970 |
None |
273 |
AU ANUA 52-273 |
Painter, Martin J.; Bureaucratic and Participatory Structures in Six Local Councils in Sydney |
Oct 1971 |
None |
274 |
AU ANUA 52-274 |
Harrison, P. F. (Senior Research Fellow, URU, ANU); Planning the Metropolis (for the Joint Urbanisation Seminar: The Politics of Urban Growth) |
Dec 1971 |
None |
275 |
AU ANUA 52-275 |
E.C. Fry, The Politics of Urban Growth, ANU Press, 1972 (Early Draft Chapters for the collaborative publication) |
c. 1970 - 1971 |
None |
276 |
AU ANUA 52-276 |
Research School of Social Sciences Seminar: Conflict and Consensus in Australia |
c. 1981 - 1982 |
None |
277 |
AU ANUA 52-277 |
Neutze, G. M.; The Allocation of Resources in Urban Areas, (Paper prepared for the 40th ANZAAS Congress, Christchurch, 24-31 Jan 1968) |
Jan 1968 |
None |
278 |
AU ANUA 52-278 |
Neutze, G. M.; Transport Planning and Urban Development, (Special Lectures in Transport; National Transport Policy, Transport Section - Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Melbourne) |
Sep 1968 |
None |
279 |
AU ANUA 52-279 |
Paterson, John; Melbourne's Population: Age Structure and Intra-Urban Migration 1954-1966, (Paper delivered at the Demography seminar, RSSS, ANU) |
Mar 1969 |
None |
280 |
AU ANUA 52-280 |
Troy, Patrick; The Measurement of Residential Amenity, (Paper to an ANZAAS conference?) |
Aug 1969 |
None |
281 |
AU ANUA 52-281 |
Neutze, Max; The Price of Land for Urban Development, (Paper delivered to an Economic History Seminar) |
Sep 1969 |
None |
282 |
AU ANUA 52-282 |
Troy, Patrick; The Measurement of Residential Amenity - Student's Survey, (Presented to Dept of Town and Country Planning, University of Sydney) |
Oct 1969 |
None |
283 |
AU ANUA 52-283 |
Harrison, Peter; Planning, Control and Power, (Presented to The Planned Environment R.A.I.A Seminar, Sydney) |
Apr 1970 |
None |
284 |
AU ANUA 52-284 |
Neutze, Max; The Government and Administration of Metropolitan Development, Address to the Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand, NSW Branch (pages missing) |
Jul 1970 |
None |
285 |
AU ANUA 52-285 |
Harrison, Peter; Urban Land Policy: Some Australian Experiments, (Presented to a conference on Urban Land Policy and Land Taxation in Asia) |
Aug 1970 |
None |
286 |
AU ANUA 52-286 |
Neutze, Max; Economic Policy and the Solution of Australian Urban Problems, (Paper presented to the Melbourne University Political Science Society) |
Aug 1970 |
None |
287 |
AU ANUA 52-287 |
Neutze, Max; Problems of Urban Land Policy and the Canberra Leasehold System, (Notes for an address to the Canberra Branch of the Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand) |
Oct 1970 |
None |
288 |
AU ANUA 52-288 |
Neutze, Max; The Growth of Cities, (Paper presented to the Australian Institute of Political Science Summer School, How many Australians?, Canberra, 30 Jan - 1 Feb 1971) |
Jan-Feb 1971 |
None |
289 |
AU ANUA 52-289 |
Johnson, K. M.; The Role of a Public Authority in Urban Development - The Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, (Presented to the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, 43rd Congress, Brisbane, May 1971) |
May 1971 |
None |
290 |
AU ANUA 52-290 |
Neutze, Max; Local, Regional and Metropolitan Government, (Paper presented to a seminar on inter-governmental relations organised by the Social Science Research Council of Australia and the ANU) |
Nov 1971 |
None |
291 |
AU ANUA 52-291 |
Harrison, Peter; Concluding Comments (on the Royal Australian Planning Institute (N.S.W. Division) “Challenge to Change - 1973” Weekend School concerning 'An examination of the actions likely to flow from the Australian government’s new policies on urban and regional development' |
Sep 1973 |
None |
292 |
AU ANUA 52-292 |
Davis, J. R. (URU, ANU) & Neilson, L. R. (Cities Commission, Australian Government); Computer Based Study of Social Variables Using Census Data, (Presented to the 46th ANZAAS Congress, Canberra) |
Jan 1975 |
None |
293 |
AU ANUA 52-293 |
Troy, P. N.; Cities in a Federation: The Whitlam Government and Urban Reform, (Delivered at the Octagon Lecture, University of Western Australia) |
Jun 1976 |
None |
294 |
AU ANUA 52-294 |
Bethune, Graeme; Housing Choices: Formulating Some Hypotheses, (Paper delivered at an Economics Department Seminar, RSSS?) |
Jul 1976 |
None |
295 |
AU ANUA 52-295 |
Troy, P. N.; Equity in Urban Development - The Planning Challenge, Sidney Luker Memorial Lecture, 1976, (Delivered to the Royal Australian Planning Institute, Sydney Division) |
Oct 1976 |
None |
296 |
AU ANUA 52-296 |
Alexander, Ian; City Centre and Region: Alternative Futures, (Delivered at the 48th ANZAAS Conference, Section 4, Architecture and Town Planning) |
Aug 1977 |
None |
297 |
AU ANUA 52-297 |
Manning, Ian; Guaranteed Income Schemes and the Future of Social Security in Australia, (Delivered at the 48th ANZAAS Conference) |
Aug 1977 |
None |
298 |
AU ANUA 52-298 |
Kendig, Hal; The Changing Role of the Inner Suburbs, (Delivered at the 48th ANZAAS Conference, Section 4, Architecture and Town Planning) |
Aug 1977 |
None |
299 |
AU ANUA 52-299 |
Manning, I.; Thirty Years of Urban Transport, (Presented to the Economics Department, University of Sydney) (2 copies - one annotated) |
Apr 1978 |
None |
300 |
AU ANUA 52-300 |
Seek, N. H.; Housing Improvement: An Alternative Housing Option - A Conceptual Outline, (Paper to be delivered at the National Conference on Housing Economics, Macquarie University) |
Aug 1978 |
None |
301 |
AU ANUA 52-301 |
Frisch, Jack; A Neoclassical and a Radical Explanation of the Interstate Variation in Workers’ Compensation Benefits in the United States, (Delivered at the Seventh Conference of Economists, Sydney-Macquarie University) |
Aug-Sep 1978 |
None |
302 |
AU ANUA 52-302 |
Manning, Ian; The Journey to Work in Sydney in the Twentieth Century, (Presented to the Sydney History Group) |
May 1979 |
None |
303 |
AU ANUA 52-303 |
Kendig, Hal L.; The Cumulation of Inequity: Housing in Old Age, (Presented at the Australian Housing Conference, Sydney, 1982) |
Sep 1982 |
None |
304 |
AU ANUA 52-304 |
Paris, Chris & Williams, Peter (URU, ANU) & Stimson, Bob (CASSR, Flinders University); From Public Housing to Welfare Housing?, (Presented at the Australian Housing Conference, 1982) |
Sep 1982 |
None |
305 |
AU ANUA 52-305 |
Paris, Chris; Williams, Peter; Sanderson, Robyn (URU, ANU) & Stimson, Bob; Goldsworthy, Tony; Cooper, Joan (Centre for Applied Social and Survey Research, Flinders University); The Social and Economic Effect of Increasing Rents on Public Housing: The 'Leavers' Survey, (Third Report to the Australian Housing Research Council, AHRC Project 132) |
Mar 1983 |
None |
306 |
AU ANUA 52-306 |
Paris, Chris & Williams, Peter; Capitalism and Housing Provision; (Delivered to Section 21, ANZAAS Congress, May 1983) |
May 1983 |
None |
307 |
AU ANUA 52-307 |
Paris, Chris & Williams, Peter; The Impact of Market Rents: Residualising Public Housing, (Delivered to Section 21, ANZAAS Congress, May 1983) |
May 1983 |
None |
308 |
AU ANUA 52-308 |
Sanders, Will; Client Politics and Australian Income Security Administration, (Presented to the Australasian Political Studies Association Conference, Aug 1983) |
Aug 1983 |
None |
309 |
AU ANUA 52-309 |
Neutze, Max; Transport Planning and Urban; Parliamentary Joint Committee on the ACT: Inquiry into State and Municipal Costs and Revenues for the ACT (Submission)Development |
no date |
None |
310 |
AU ANUA 52-310 |
Neutze, Max; The Process of Urban Development (A paper recording some of the results of two research projects of the same name being undertaken at the URU) |
no date |
None |
311 |
AU ANUA 52-311 |
Boileau, Ivan; Bunker, Ray; Harrison, Peter; Neutze, Max; Troy, Patrick; Housing and Neighbourhood Survey, 'Process of Development' - Joint Research Project between URU, ANU & Dept of Town and Country Planning, University of Sydney |
1968 |
None |
312 |
AU ANUA 52-312 |
Neutze, G. M.; Proposed Research Project: The Process of Urban Development (Melbourne) |
Apr 1968 |
None |
313 |
AU ANUA 52-313 |
Neutze, Max; Harrison, Peter & Troy, Patrick; Process of Development - Project Outline |
Aug 1968 |
None |
314 |
AU ANUA 52-314 |
Vandermark, Elzo; Manufacturing Retailing and Services in Four Sydney Areas, (Draft Copy Circulated for Review) |
Mar 1970 |
None |
315 |
AU ANUA 52-315 |
Mingione, E.; 'Informalization, Restructuring and the Survival Strategies of the Working Class' Article to appear in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 7, 1983 |
1983 |
None |
316 |
AU ANUA 52-316 |
Troy, P.; Housing, (draft of the introductory chapter of a book on the relationship between housing policy and ideology: 1940-1982) |
no date |
None |
317 |
AU ANUA 52-317 |
Oram, N. D. (Dept of Anthropology & Sociology, RSPacS); Port Moresby: Western Administration and Urban Society |
Apr 1969 |
None |
318 |
AU ANUA 52-318 |
Bate, Weston (Dept of History, RSSS); Lang Labor and the New Guard: An Explanation in Terms of Urban History |
May 1969 |
None |
319 |
AU ANUA 52-319 |
Butlin, N. G. (Dept of Economic History, RSSS); Towards a Study of Urbanisation? |
Jun 1969 |
None |
320 |
AU ANUA 52-320 |
Child Support, Social Justice Project, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University (Pat Troy was coordinator of the Social Justice Project) |
Jul 1986 |
None |
321 |
AU ANUA 52-321 |
Manning, Ian, Beyond Walking Distance: The gains from speed in Australian urban travel, Urban Research Unit, Australian National University |
1984 |
None |
322 |
AU ANUA 52-322 |
Manning, Ian, The Journey to Work, George Allen &Unwin, Sydney |
1978 |
None |
323 |
AU ANUA 52-323 |
Neutze, Max, People and Property in Randwick: Post war changes in the population and their dwellings in an eastern suburb of Sydney, Urban Research Unit, RSSS, ANU |
Sep 1971 |
None |
324 |
AU ANUA 52-324 |
Parker, R.S. & Troy, P.N. (eds.), The Politics of Urban Growth, Australian National University Press, Canberra |
1972 |
None |
325 |
AU ANUA 52-325 |
Sandercock, Leonie, The Land Racket: The real costs of property speculation, A Silverfish Book |
1979 |
None |
326 |
AU ANUA 52-326 |
Troy, Patrick (ed.), Serving the City: the crisis in Australia’s urban services, Pluto Press, Sydney |
1999 |
None |
327 |
AU ANUA 52-327 |
Troy, Patrick N., A Fair Price: The Land Commission Program, 1972-1977, Hale & Ironmonger, Sydney |
1978 |
None |
328 |
AU ANUA 52-328 |
Vandermark, Elzo; ‘GNP: The Modern Golden Calf’, Australian Journal of Social Issues, Vol 7, No 1, 1972 |
1972 |
None |
329 |
AU ANUA 52-329 |
Neutze, Max; ‘Urban Problems in Australia’, MGICA Newsletter 2, Oct 1971 |
Oct 1971 |
None |
330 |
AU ANUA 52-330 |
Davis, J.R. & Spearritt, Peter; Sydney at the Census, 1971: A Social Atlas, Urban Research Unit, Australian National University |
1974 |
None |
331 |
AU ANUA 52-331 |
Melbourne at the Census, 1971: A Social Atlas by the Cities Commission (with the assistance of Nicholas Clark & Associates) and J.R. Davis (Urban Research Unit, Australian National University) |
1975 |
None |
332 |
AU ANUA 52-332 |
Brisbane at the Census, 1971: A Social Atlas prepared by the Cities Commission with the assistance of G.T. McDonald (University of Queensland), D.Biernoff, R. Jensen, P. Mullins, J.Skinner & P. Wood |
1975 |
None |
333 |
AU ANUA 52-333 |
Poulsen, Michael & Spearritt, Peter; Sydney: A social and political atlas, George Allen & Unwin, Sydney |
1981 |
None |
334 |
AU ANUA 52-334 |
N.S.W. Planning and Environment Commission, Document Flow Chart No. 1: ‘Development Applications’, N.S.W. Public Service Board, M.S.R. Division |
May 1975 |
None |
335 |
AU ANUA 52-335 |
N.S.W. Planning and Environment Commission, Document Flow Chart No. 2: ‘Suspension Applications’, N.S.W. Public Service Board, M.S.R. Division |
1975 |
None |
336 |
AU ANUA 52-336 |
New South Wales Planning and Environment Commission, Document Flow Chart No. 3: ‘Country Dwelling Variations’, N.S.W. Public Service Board, M.S.R. Division |
Jul 1975 |
None |
337 |
AU ANUA 52-337 |
N.S.W. Planning and Environment Commission, Document Flow Chart No. 4: ‘Town Planning Schemes’, N.S.W. Public Service Board, M.S.R. Division |
Jul 1975 |
None |
338 |
AU ANUA 52-338 |
N.S.W. Planning and Environment Commission, Document Flow Chart No. 5: ‘Land Acquisitions’, N.S.W. Public Service Board, M.S.R. Division |
no date |
None |
339 |
AU ANUA 52-339 |
New South Wales Planning and Environment Commission, Procedure Chart No. 6: ‘Appeals’, New South Wales Public Service Board, M.S.R. Division |
Aug 1975 |
None |
340 |
AU ANUA 52-340 |
New South Wales Planning and Environment Commission, Procedure Chart No. 7: ‘Property Management and Disposal’, New South Wales Public Service Board, M.S.R. Division |
Sep 1975 |
None |
341 |
AU ANUA 52-341 |
Kelly, Max & Crocker, Ruth; Sydney Takes Shape: A Collection of Contemporary Maps From Foundation to Federation, The Macleay Museum, The University of Sydney |
1977 |
None |