Item report

archival descriptions hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions
1 AU NBAC 20-1 Annual reports and balance sheets 1887 - 1958 None
2 AU NBAC 20-2 Articles of Association and papers relating to the structure of the company 1886 - 1957 None
3 AU NBAC 20-3-1 Minutes of Directors meetings 11 May 1886 - 16 Jan 1894 None
4 AU NBAC 20-3-2 Minutes of Directors meetings 7 Feb 1894 - 6 Jul 1903 None
5 AU NBAC 20-3-3 Minutes of Directors meetings 16 Jul 1903 - 15 Jun 1915 None
6 AU NBAC 20-3-4 Minutes of Directors meetings 12 Jul 1915 - 15 Dec 1932 None
7 AU NBAC 20-4-1 Rough minute book 19 Nov 1915 - 30 Sep 1921 None
8 AU NBAC 20-4-2 Rough minute book 16 Apr 1929 - 19 Jan 1940 None
9 AU NBAC 20-4-3 Rough minute book 16 Feb 1940 - 21 Sep 1945 None
10 AU NBAC 20-4-4 Rough minute book 9 Nov 1945 - 12 Sep 1947 None
11 AU NBAC 20-4-5 Rough minute book 2 Oct 1947 - 20 Dec 1949 None
12 AU NBAC 20-4-6 Rough minute book 23 Jan 1950 - 29 Feb 1952 None
13 AU NBAC 20-5 Ballot papers used in the election of Directors 1895 - 1922 None
14 AU NBAC 20-6-1 Share register 1886 - 1897 None
15 AU NBAC 20-6-2 Share register 1886 - 1895 None
16 AU NBAC 20-6-3 Share register 1886 - 1940 None
17 AU NBAC 20-7-1 Summary of shareholders 1890 - 1911 None
18 AU NBAC 20-7-2 Summary of shareholders 1912 - 1933 None
19 AU NBAC 20-8 Lists of shareholders no date None
20 AU NBAC 20-9 Share book 1886 - 1887 None
21 AU NBAC 20-10 Share applications 1886 - 1891 None
22 AU NBAC 20-11 Register of share applications and application forms 1919 - 1923 None
23 AU NBAC 20-12 Share transfers and related papers 1887 - 1947 None
24 AU NBAC 20-13 Shareholders' declarations of lost scrip 1888 - 1912 None
25 AU NBAC 20-14 Cancelled scrip certificates 1887 - 1910 None
26 AU NBAC 20-15 Correspondence relating to dividends 1904 - 1942 None
27 AU NBAC 20-16 Shareholder proxies 1893 - 1913 None
28 AU NBAC 20-17 Correspondence about Directors' meetings and related papers 1947 - 1952 None
29 AU NBAC 20-18-1 Journal 1886 - 1891 None
30 AU NBAC 20-18-2 Journal 1891 - 1897 None
31 AU NBAC 20-18-3 Journal 1897 - 1903 None
32 AU NBAC 20-18-4 Journal 1903 - 1913 None
33 AU NBAC 20-18-5 Journal 1913 - 1921 None
34 AU NBAC 20-18-6 Journal 1922 - 1935 None
35 AU NBAC 20-18-7 Journal 1938 - 1940 None
36 AU NBAC 20-18-8 Journal 1940 - 1942 None
37 AU NBAC 20-18-9 Journal 1945 - 1947 None
38 AU NBAC 20-19-1 General ledger 1886 - 1888 None
39 AU NBAC 20-19-2 General ledger 1888 - 1896 None
40 AU NBAC 20-19-3 General ledger 1896 - 1903 None
41 AU NBAC 20-19-4 General ledger 1903 - 1909 None
42 AU NBAC 20-19-5 General ledger 1909 - 1915 None
43 AU NBAC 20-19-6 General ledger 1916 - 1920 None
44 AU NBAC 20-19-7 General ledger 1920 - 1926 None
45 AU NBAC 20-19-8 General ledger 1926 - 1933 None
46 AU NBAC 20-19-9 General ledger 1933 - 1940 None
47 AU NBAC 20-20-1 Cash book 1886 - 1887 None
48 AU NBAC 20-20-2 Cash book 1887 - 1893 None
49 AU NBAC 20-20-3 Cash book 1893 - 1897 None
50 AU NBAC 20-20-4 Cash book 1897 - 1902 None
51 AU NBAC 20-20-5 Cash book 1902 - 1906 None
52 AU NBAC 20-20-6 Cash book 1906 - 1909 None
53 AU NBAC 20-20-7 Cash book 1909 - 1913 None
54 AU NBAC 20-20-8 Cash book 1913 - 1917 None
55 AU NBAC 20-20-9 Cash book 1917 - 1920 None
56 AU NBAC 20-20-10 Cash book 1920 - 1925 None
57 AU NBAC 20-20-11 Cash book 1925 - 1929 None
58 AU NBAC 20-20-12 Cash book 1929 - 1932 None
59 AU NBAC 20-20-13 Cash book 1932 - 1935 None
60 AU NBAC 20-20-14 Cash book 1935 - 1939 None
61 AU NBAC 20-21 Cash books (second set) 1917 - 1938 None
62 AU NBAC 20-22A Cash book for clients' accounts 1916 - 1921 None
63 AU NBAC 20-22B Share accounts cash book 1919 - 1923 None
64 AU NBAC 20-23-1 Rent journal 1921 - 1929 None
65 AU NBAC 20-23-2 Rent journal 1929 - 1935 None
66 AU NBAC 20-23-3 Rent journal 1935 - 1937 None
67 AU NBAC 20-23-4 Rent journal 1937 - 1939 None
68 AU NBAC 20-24 General accounts by year 1887 - 1927 None
69 AU NBAC 20-25 Vouchers 1927 - 1941 None
70 AU NBAC 20-26 Quarterly abstracts of average liabilities and assets 1933 - 1941 None
71 AU NBAC 20-27 General abstracts of average liabilities and assets of various companies published by the New South Wales Government 1907 - 1930 None
72 AU NBAC 20-28 Land and income tax returns and related papers 1901 - 1950 None
73 AU NBAC 20-29 Bank passbooks 1924 - 1952 None
74 AU NBAC 20-30 Bank passbook 1922 - 1924 None
75 AU NBAC 20-31 Bank deposit books 1924 - 1950 None
76 AU NBAC 20-32 Bank deposit book, Newcastle Legacy Welfare Fund 1948 - 1949 None
77 AU NBAC 20-33 Weekly wages sheets, Ruby Cooper, cleaner 1926 - 1933 None
78 AU NBAC 20-34 Record of unemployment relief tax paid, GH Winsor and RC Winsor 1930 - 1940 None
79 AU NBAC 20-35 Record of inspection fees paid 1907 - 1915 None
80 AU NBAC 20-36 Stamp book 1958 - 1959 None
81 AU NBAC 20-37 Depositors' books c. 1921 - 1926 None
82 AU NBAC 20-38 Bills receivable 1926 - 1938 None
83 AU NBAC 20-39 Loan account books 1920 - 1939 None
84 AU NBAC 20-40 Loan account books showing monthly payments 1919 - 1942 None
85 AU NBAC 20-41 Dividend cheques 1924 None
86 AU NBAC 20-42 Dividend record book 1915 - 1941 None
87 AU NBAC 20-43 Receipt books 1938 - 1940 None
88 AU NBAC 20-44 Security register c. 1886 - 1926 None
89 AU NBAC 20-45 Interest tables no date None
90 AU NBAC 20-46 Copies of monthly bank and financial statements 1941 - 1946 None
91 AU NBAC 20-47 Applications for advances and related papers, alphabetical c. 1911 - 1954 None
92 AU NBAC 20-48 Contracts for the sale of property c. 1891 - 1917 None
93 AU NBAC 20-49 Contracts for the sale of property, alphabetical c. 1890 - 1927 None
94 AU NBAC 20-50 Specifications and tenders received by the Manager and related papers c. 1901 - 1915 None
95 AU NBAC 20-51 Notices of valuation of Newcastle lands received from the New South Wales Department of the Valuer-General 1938 - 1943 None
96 AU NBAC 20-52 Legal documents c. 1890 - 1939 None
97 AU NBAC 20-53 Documents register c. 1914 - 1949 None
98 AU NBAC 20-54 Application letters for position of Manager 1907 None
99 AU NBAC 20-55 Private papers of GH Winsor, Manager 1908 - 1928 None
100 AU NBAC 20-56-1 Letterbook of copies of letters sent by Manager 1924 - 1926 None
101 AU NBAC 20-56-2 Letterbook of copies of letters sent by Manager 1932 - 1935 None
102 AU NBAC 20-57 Letters received by the Manager with copies of his replies 1940 - 1953 None
103 AU NBAC 20-58 Correspondence of the Scottish Insurance Corporation Ltd, Newcastle agency 1952 - 1953 None
104 AU NBAC 20-59 Expired insurance policies c. 1891 - 1920 None
105 AU NBAC 20-60 Insurance policies - lapsed wordings 1916 - 1933 None
106 AU NBAC 20-61 Insurance receipts 1936 - 1946 None
107 AU NBAC 20-62 Insurance certificates and related papers no date None
108 AU NBAC 20-63 Rough register of insurance clients c. 1920s None
109 AU NBAC 20-64 Address books covering shareholders, depositors and borrowers no date None
110 AU NBAC 20-65-1 Plan of proposed cottage, Watson Street, New Lambton for K Collinson by Home Builders Plan Service no date None
111 AU NBAC 20-65-2 Plan of proposed timber cottage, Selwyn Street, Mayfield for HL Soper by Home Builders Plan Service no date None
112 AU NBAC 20-65-3 Plan of proposed weatherboard dwelling for E Winsor, Poitrel Street, New Lambton no date None
113 AU NBAC 20-65-4 Plan for proposed timber cottage, Macquarie Street, Mayfield for C Kay by Home Builders Plan Service no date None
114 AU NBAC 20-65-5 Plan of subdivision of Lots 4 and 5, GDP 9711, Parish of Kahibah, County of Northumberland 1941 None
115 AU NBAC 20-65-6 First floor master plan of proposed extensions to premises Hunter Street, Newcastle for Rundles Pty Ltd by Rodd and Hay architects no date None
116 AU NBAC 20-65-7 Plan of proposed timber cottage, 103 Teralba Road, Adamstown for E Blanch by Home Builders Plan Service no date None
117 AU NBAC 20-65-8 Plans of proposed weatherboard dwelling for Roy Winsor, Eighth Street, Adamstown no date None
118 AU NBAC 20-65-9 Basement floor master plan of proposed extensions to premises Hunter Street, Newcastle for Rundles Pty Ltd by Rodd and Hay architects no date None
119 AU NBAC 20-65-10 Ground floor master plan of proposed extensions to premises Hunter Street, Newcastle for Rundles Pty Ltd by Rodd and Hay architects no date None
120 AU NBAC 20-65-11 Plan of proposed timber cottage, Turton Road, Waratah for F Jurd by Plans for Homes no date None
121 AU NBAC 20-65-12 Plan of proposed cottage, Clyde Street, Hamilton North for Mr Saunders no date None
122 AU NBAC 20-65-13 Plan of proposed cottage, Glebe Road, Merewether West for CA Wilson by Home Builders Plan Service no date None
123 AU NBAC 20-65-14 Plan of proposed timber cottage, corner Percy and Arthur Streets, Lambton for D Rees by Home Builders Plan Service no date None
124 AU NBAC 20-65-15 Plan of proposed weatherboard cottage, Speers Point for J Henderson no date None
125 AU NBAC 20-65-16 Plan of timber cottage, Mackie Avenue, New Lambton for J & L Finigan by Plans for Home Building 1940 None
126 AU NBAC 20-65-17 Plan of proposed residence, Hopkin Street, Merewether for WR Marsden no date None
127 AU NBAC 20-65-18 Plan of proposed cottage, Bridge Street, New Lambton for EW Sargent by Home Builders Plan Service 1939 None
128 AU NBAC 20-65-19 Plan of proposed timber residence, Bridge Street, New Lambton for EW Sargent by Home Builders Plan Service 1939 None
129 AU NBAC 20-65-20 Plan of proposed building in Waratah for RJ Harris no date None
130 AU NBAC 20-65-21 Plan of proposed timber cottage, Ernest Street, Belmont for Mr Ogilvie by Home Builders Plan Service 1938 None
131 AU NBAC 20-65-22 Plan of proposed residence, Lookout Road, New Lambton Heights for Mr McGavin by Home Builders Plan Service no date None
132 AU NBAC 20-65-23 Plan of proposed cottage, New Lambton for WE & RF Wilson by Home Builders Plan Service no date None
133 AU NBAC 20-65-24 Plan of proposed timber cottage, Brunker Road, Broadmeadow for MJ Taylor by Home Builders Plan Service 1938 None
134 AU NBAC 20-65-25 Plan of proposed cottage, Young Road, Lambton for A Taylor no date None
135 AU NBAC 20-65-26 Plan of proposed new shops, 537 Hunter Street, West Newcastle for company by Castleden and Sara architects 1939 None
136 AU NBAC 20-65-27 Plan of part of allotment 51, City of Newcastle, Parish of Newcastle, County of Northumberland 1932 None
137 AU NBAC 20-65-28 Plan of subdivision of land in C's T vol. 1088 f. 230 and vol. 5208 f. 9, Newcastle, Parish of Newcastle, County of Northumberland 1951 None
138 AU NBAC 20-65-29 Plan of proposed brick shops and timber dwelling, Glebe Road, Adamstown for J and A Coddington by Howard Plan Service c. 1956 None
139 AU NBAC 20-65-30 Plans of terrace, Hunter Street, West Newcastle no date None
140 AU NBAC 20-65-31 Plans of conversion of terrace, Hunter Street, West Newcastle into three shops no date None
141 AU NBAC 20-65-32 Specification for various works for weatherboard dwelling, corner Arthur and Percy Streets, Lambton for D Rees by Home Builders Plan Service no date None
142 AU NBAC 20-65-33 Specification for various works for weatherboard dwelling, Watson Street, New Lambton for K Collinson no date None
143 AU NBAC 20-65-34 Specification for various works for weatherboard dwelling, Glebe Road, Merewether West for CA Wilson by Home Builders Plan Service no date None
144 AU NBAC 20-65-35 Specification for various works for weatherboard dwelling, Eighth Street, Adamstown for Roy Winsor no date None
145 AU NBAC 20-65-36 Specification for various works for weatherboard dwelling, High Street, Waratah for R Harris no date None
146 AU NBAC 20-65-37 Specification for various works for weatherboard cottage, Speers Point for Mr Henderson no date None
147 AU NBAC 20-65-38 Specification for various works for weatherboard cottage with iron roof, Clyde Street, Hamilton North for Mr Saunders no date None
148 AU NBAC 20-65-39 Specification for various works for weatherboard dwelling, Brunker Road, Broadmeadow for MJ Taylor no date None
149 AU NBAC 20-65-40 Specification for removal of cottage from West Wallsend and re-erection at Ernest Street, Belmont for Mr Ogilvie no date None
150 AU NBAC 20-65-41 Specification for various works for timber-framed asbestos-covered dwelling and brick shop, Glebe Road, Adamstown for J and A Coddington by Howard Plan Service no date None
151 AU NBAC 20-65-42 Specification for additions and alterations to residence, Ingall Street, Mayfield for Mr Duffy no date None
152 AU NBAC 20-65-43 Specification for various works for weatherboard cottage, Hopkin Street, Merewether for WR Marsden no date None
153 AU NBAC 20-65-44 Specification for various works for weatherboard dwelling, Macquarie Street, Mayfield for C Kay no date None
154 AU NBAC 20-65-45 Specification for various works for weatherboard cottage, Turton Road, Waratah for F Jurd by Plans for Homes no date None
155 AU NBAC 20-65-46 Specification for brick residence for R Elliott no date None
156 AU NBAC 20-65-47 Specification for various works for residence, 103 Teralba Road, Broadmeadow for EB Lanch no date None
157 AU NBAC 20-65-48 Specification for various works for weatherboard cottage, Lot 28 Section 2, Mackie Avenue, New Lambton for J and L Finigan no date None
158 AU NBAC 20-65-49 Specification for various works for weatherboard dwelling, Poitrel Street, New Lambton for R Winsor no date None
159 AU NBAC 20-65-50 Press cutting from Newcastle Morning Herald advertising cottage homes for sale in the Newcastle region 1939 None
160 AU NBAC 20-65-51 Specification for various works for existing shop and new residence, 26 Hooper Street, New Lambton for R Walker and plans and correspondence re property Maitland Road and Albert Street 1908 - 1940 None
161 AU NBAC 20-66-1 Land sale posters - Carrington c. 1890 - c. 1930 None
162 AU NBAC 20-66-2 Land sale posters - Adamstown, Lambton, Charlestown, Birmingham Gardens Estate, West Wallsend, Lambton Heights and New Lambton (including Northcote) c. 1890 - c. 1930 None
163 AU NBAC 20-66-3 Land sale posters - Newcastle Pasturage Reserve (including Hamilton, Lambton, New Lambton and Waratah), Tighes Hill, Islington, Mayfield, Waratah, Hamilton and Newtown c. 1890 - c. 1930 None
164 AU NBAC 20-66-4 Land sale posters - Newcastle c. 1890 - c. 1930 None
165 AU NBAC 20-66-5 Land sale posters - Merewether c. 1890 - c. 1930 None
166 AU NBAC 20-66-6 Land sale posters - Lake Macquarie District (including Teralba, Toronto, Belmont, Swansea, Northcote, Cardiff, Kotara, Red Head and Kahibah) c. 1890 - c. 1930 None
167 AU NBAC 20-66-7 Land sale posters - Cessnock, Abermain and Kurri Kurri c. 1890 - c. 1930 None
168 AU NBAC 20-66-8 Land sale posters - Lakemba, Morpeth, Tenterfield, Miranda, Cromarty and Macksville c. 1890 - c. 1930 None
169 AU NBAC 20-66-9 Land sale posters, Australian Agricultural Company - Newcastle, Cooks Hill, Shepherds Hill, Bar Beach, North Hanbury, Mayfield, Waratah and Ironbark c. 1890 - c. 1930 None
170 AU NBAC 20-66-10 Land sale posters, Australian Agricultural Company - The Garden Suburb (including Hamilton and The Junction) and Maitland c. 1890 - c. 1930 None
171 AU NBAC 20-66-11-1 Adamstown property sales plans 1914 None
172 AU NBAC 20-66-11-2 Carrington land and property sale plans 1909 None
173 AU NBAC 20-66-11-3 Cessnock land sales plans 1904 None
174 AU NBAC 20-66-11-4 Cooks Hill land sales plans 1904 None
175 AU NBAC 20-66-11-5 East Greta land subdivision plans no date None
176 AU NBAC 20-66-11-6 Hamilton subdivision plans and house plan 1898 None
177 AU NBAC 20-66-11-7 Kalgoorlie plan of mining leases no date None
178 AU NBAC 20-66-11-8 Land brochures and booklets - Lymington Colleries Ltd in Cardiff, Point Clare Estate in Gosford and Garden Suburb, Newcastle c. 1908 - 1914 None
179 AU NBAC 20-66-11-9 Land sale notices - Newcastle suburbs 1890s None
180 AU NBAC 20-66-11-10 Mayfield land sales plans 1900 None
181 AU NBAC 20-66-11-11 Newcastle City land sales plans 1907 None
182 AU NBAC 20-66-11-12 Newcastle sketch maps 1899 None
183 AU NBAC 20-66-11-13 Miscellaneous plans 1890s - 1903 None
184 AU NBAC 20-66-11-14 Parish maps of Cessnock and Pokolbin 1903 - 1906 None
185 AU NBAC 20-66-11-15 Paxton land sale plans no date None
186 AU NBAC 20-66-11-16 Speers Point, Lake Macquarie, Toronto and Boolaroo land sales plans and brochures 1896 - 1924 None
187 AU NBAC 20-66-11-17 Tighes Hill land sales plans c. 1905 None
188 AU NBAC 20-66-11-18 Waratah and West Wallsend land sales plans c. 1888 None
189 AU NBAC 20-67 Annual reports of various companies received by the company 1901 - 1907 None
190 AU NBAC 20-68 Sydney Stock Exchange draft Articles of Association and official gazettes 1949 - 1952 None
191 AU NBAC 20-69-1 The Age, 1 Sep 1904 1904 None
192 AU NBAC 20-69-2 Australasian Good Health, vol. 8 no. 3, Good Health Office, Cooranbong 1905 None
193 AU NBAC 20-69-3 Australian Town and Country Journal, Sydney (two issues) 1906 - 1910 None
194 AU NBAC 20-69-4 The Balmain Observer, 4 Nov 1905 1905 None
195 AU NBAC 20-69-5 The Bourke Banner, 22 Mar 1907 1907 None
196 AU NBAC 20-69-6 Brisbane Courier (three issues) 1902 - 1906 None
197 AU NBAC 20-69-7 British Underwriting and Agency Assurance Gazette, nos. 2-5, 9-11 1900 None
198 AU NBAC 20-69-8 The Bulletin, 9 Feb 1911 1911 None
199 AU NBAC 20-69-9 Daily Telegraph, 15 May 1905 1905 None
200 AU NBAC 20-69-10 Evening News, 23 Jan 1904 1904 None
201 AU NBAC 20-69-11A Illustrated Review of the Brisbane Exhibition 1908 None
202 AU NBAC 20-69-11B The Index, International Review of Insurance, Trade and Finance, London no date None
203 AU NBAC 20-69-12 The Leader, Orange, 22 Apr 1904 1904 None
204 AU NBAC 20-69-13 The Maitland Daily Mercury, 11 Mar 1907 1907 None
205 AU NBAC 20-69-14 The Methodist, Sydney (three issues) 1903 - 1909 None
206 AU NBAC 20-69-15 The Numurkah Trader, Victoria, 1 Feb 1907 1907 None
207 AU NBAC 20-69-16 The Patriot, Brisbane, 29 Sep 1906 1906 None
208 AU NBAC 20-69-17 The Policy (review devoted chiefly to insurance agency matters), London 1910 None
209 AU NBAC 20-69-18 The Shepparton News, Jan 1907 1907 None
210 AU NBAC 20-69-19 The Spectator, Melbourne, Jul 1906 1906 None
211 AU NBAC 20-69-20 Sydney Mail (American Fleet souvenir), 28 Mar 1906 1906 None
212 AU NBAC 20-69-21 Sydney Morning Herald, 15 Dec 1906 1906 None
213 AU NBAC 20-69-22 The Telegraph, Brisbane, 30 Jan 1904 1904 None
214 AU NBAC 20-69-23 The Watchman, Melbourne, Dec 1905 1905 None
215 AU NBAC 20-69-24 The Weekly Courier, Tasmania (two issues) 1908 - 1910 None
216 AU NBAC 20-69-25 The Western Advocate, Orange, 26 Apr 1904 1904 None
217 AU NBAC 20-69-26 The Worker, Brisbane, Sep 1906 1906 None
218 AU NBAC 20-70 Volume 'Redeeming values' of newscuttings mainly from Newcastle newspapers 1903 - 1914 None
219 AU NBAC 20-71 Two photographs no date None
220 AU NBAC 20-72-1 Our Secondary Needs, presidential address, 39th assembly of the Baptist Union of New South Wales, by Herbert Priestly 1907 None
221 AU NBAC 20-72-2 Souvenir of Kotara, Newcastle, Creer and Berkeley auctioneers 1925 None
222 AU NBAC 20-72-3 Regulations, Architects Registration Council of the United Kingdom 1931 None
223 AU NBAC 20-72-4 Stamp Duties Act, New South Wales Parliament 1946 None
224 AU NBAC 20-72-5 Handbook of regulations affecting real estate issued under the National Security Act, by RE Tebbutt, Real Estate Institute of New South Wales 1943 None
225 AU NBAC 20-72-6 Record of proceedings, 20th annual conference of Legacy Clubs of Australia, Perth, Sep 1948 1948 None
226 AU NBAC 20-72-7 Record of proceedings, 26th annual conference of Legacy Clubs of Australia, Canberra, Oct 1954 1954 None
227 AU NBAC 20-72-8 A brief description of fifty years' progress in the history of Gordon and Gotch, Brisbane 1903 None
228 AU NBAC 20-72-9 Brief memorials of the life of the late Reverend Reginald Robson, by Scott M Fletcher 1907 None
229 AU NBAC 20-72-10 Plan of Broken Hill Proprietary (BHP) underground workings 1895 None
230 AU NBAC 20-73 Rotary International material 1924 - 1933 None