1 |
AU NBAC N7-1 |
Minutes of meetings of State Executive and annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch |
8 Jan 1948 - 12 Dec 1952 |
None |
2 |
AU NBAC N7-2 |
Minutes of meetings of State Executive and annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch |
9 Jan 1953 - 13 Dec 1958 |
None |
3 |
AU NBAC N7-3 |
Minutes of meetings of State Executive and annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch |
13 Feb 1959 - 10 Dec 1965 |
None |
4 |
AU NBAC N7-4 |
Minutes of meetings of State Executive and annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch |
11 Feb 1966 - 10 Dec 1971 |
None |
5 |
AU NBAC N7-5 |
Minutes of meetings of Cardiff Workshops sub-branch |
23 Jul 1947 - 9 May 1960 |
None |
6 |
AU NBAC N7-6 |
Minutes of meetings of Cardiff Workshops sub-branch |
1 Jun 1960 - 11 Nov 1972 |
None |
7 |
AU NBAC N7-7 |
Minutes of meetings of State Executive, Tasmanian Branch |
17 Mar 1962 - 11 Mar 1965 |
None |
8 |
AU NBAC N7-8 |
Minutes of meetings of State Social Committee |
1935 - 1936 |
None |
9 |
AU NBAC N7-9 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1943 - 1944 |
None |
10 |
AU NBAC N7-10 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1945 |
None |
11 |
AU NBAC N7-11 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1946 |
None |
12 |
AU NBAC N7-12 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1947 |
None |
13 |
AU NBAC N7-13 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1948 |
None |
14 |
AU NBAC N7-14 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1949 |
None |
15 |
AU NBAC N7-15 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1950 |
None |
16 |
AU NBAC N7-16 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1951 |
None |
17 |
AU NBAC N7-17 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1952 |
None |
18 |
AU NBAC N7-18 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1953 |
None |
19 |
AU NBAC N7-19 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1954 |
None |
20 |
AU NBAC N7-20 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1955 |
None |
21 |
AU NBAC N7-21 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1956 |
None |
22 |
AU NBAC N7-22 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1957 |
None |
23 |
AU NBAC N7-23 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1958 |
None |
24 |
AU NBAC N7-24 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1959 |
None |
25 |
AU NBAC N7-25 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1960 |
None |
26 |
AU NBAC N7-26 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1961 |
None |
27 |
AU NBAC N7-27 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1962 |
None |
28 |
AU NBAC N7-28 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1963 |
None |
29 |
AU NBAC N7-29 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1964 |
None |
30 |
AU NBAC N7-30 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1965 |
None |
31 |
AU NBAC N7-31 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1966 |
None |
32 |
AU NBAC N7-32 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1967 |
None |
33 |
AU NBAC N7-33 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1968 |
None |
34 |
AU NBAC N7-34 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1969 |
None |
35 |
AU NBAC N7-35 |
Annual general meetings, New South Wales Branch agenda, reports and correspondence |
1970 |
None |
36 |
AU NBAC N7-36 |
Alterations and additions to rules |
1930 - 1966 |
None |
37 |
AU NBAC N7-37 |
Trade Union Re-registration Bill - report of select committee |
1920 |
None |
38 |
AU NBAC N7-38 |
John Cavanagh case |
1932 - 1935 |
None |
39 |
AU NBAC N7-39 |
Electrical Section |
1936 |
None |
40 |
AU NBAC N7-40 |
W Fletcher v. WH Mackenzie and Walter Brown |
1943 - 1944 |
None |
41 |
AU NBAC N7-41 |
National Union of Railwaymen refusal to work on bank holiday |
1956 |
None |
42 |
AU NBAC N7-42 |
Dieselisation |
1958 - 1960 |
None |
43 |
AU NBAC N7-43 |
Application by National Union of Railwaymen re alteration of rules pursuant to NSW Electricity Act |
1952 |
None |
44 |
AU NBAC N7-44 |
Electricity Commission of New South Wales |
1955 - 1965 |
None |
45 |
AU NBAC N7-45 |
Electricity Commission of New South Wales industrial agreement |
1958 |
None |
46 |
AU NBAC N7-46 |
Australian Workers' Union amalgamation |
1968 - 1969 |
None |
47 |
AU NBAC N7-47 |
Dispute at Honeysuckle goods yard and re Aresco truck placers |
1967 - 1970 |
None |
48 |
AU NBAC N7-48 |
Work value case |
1970 - 1972 |
None |
49 |
AU NBAC N7-49 |
Binder of transcripts, decisions and correspondence re applications to vary and disputes |
1948 - 1968 |
None |
50 |
AU NBAC N7-50 |
Binder of transcripts, decisions and correspondence re applications to vary and disputes |
1950 - 1965 |
None |
51 |
AU NBAC N7-51 |
Binder of transcripts, decisions and correspondence re applications to vary and disputes |
1955 - 1970 |
None |
52 |
AU NBAC N7-52 |
Government Tramways Electrical Branch Workers' Association rules and correspondence |
1917 - 1932 |
None |
53 |
AU NBAC N7-53 |
General correspondence and miscellaneous material |
1918 - 1967 |
None |
54 |
AU NBAC N7-54 |
Arbitration applications, transcripts and decisions - mainly no. 10 and 12 of 1927 |
1927 - 1942 |
None |
55 |
AU NBAC N7-55 |
Federal registration of National Union of Railwaymen |
1930 - 1932 |
None |
56 |
AU NBAC N7-56 |
Public Service Salaries Reduction Act |
1931 - 1933 |
None |
57 |
AU NBAC N7-57 |
Parkinson case (prosecution for failure to pay dues) |
1935 - 1936 |
None |
58 |
AU NBAC N7-58 |
Correspondence about Tasmanian Branch awards and general |
1939 - 1951 |
None |
59 |
AU NBAC N7-59 |
Minutes of meeting to form Electrical Trades sub-branch 1936 and amalgamation of National Union of Railwaymen and Government Tramways Electrical Branch Workers' Association |
1936 - 1945 |
None |
60 |
AU NBAC N7-60 |
Reference book covering various awards - base award, variations, margins and case reference |
1910 - 1945 |
None |
61 |
AU NBAC N7-61 |
Index to arbitration and High Court cases and decisions and Acts |
c. 1921 - 1968 |
None |
62 |
AU NBAC N7-62 |
Rules of National Union of Railwaymen, New South Wales Branch |
c. 1937 - 1964 |
None |
63 |
AU NBAC N7-63 |
Rules of Railway Service Association |
1932 |
None |
64 |
AU NBAC N7-64 |
Rules of Government Railways Permanent Way Association |
c. 1917 - 1929 |
None |
65 |
AU NBAC N7-65 |
Rules of Government Tramways Electrical Branch Workers' Association |
1918 - 1937 |
None |
66 |
AU NBAC N7-66 |
Constitution, rules and regulations of New South Wales Railway and Tramway Employees' Service Agency |
1927 |
None |
67 |
AU NBAC N7-67 |
Rules of New South Wales Government Tramway Employees' Union |
c. 1912 |
None |
68 |
AU NBAC N7-68 |
Constitution and rules of Association of Railway Professional Officers of Australia |
1966 |
None |
69 |
AU NBAC N7-69 |
Constitution and rules of Association of Railway Professional Officers of Australia, New South Wales Branch |
1970 |
None |
70 |
AU NBAC N7-70 |
Rules of Permanent and Casual Wharf Labourers' Union of Australia |
c. 1930 |
None |
71 |
AU NBAC N7-71 |
Rules of the Australian Trade Unions Association |
no date |
None |
72 |
AU NBAC N7-72 |
Rules and by-laws of the Queensland Railway Maintenance Employees' Union |
1929 |
None |
73 |
AU NBAC N7-73 |
Leaflets and printed material distributed by the National Union of Railwaymen and predecessor bodies |
1919 - 1977 |
None |
74 |
AU NBAC N7-74 |
Reports and leaflets from railway unions, mainly the Australian Railways Union, the Australian Tramway Employees' Union and the NSW Railway and Tramway Officers' Association |
c. 1930 - 1962 |
None |
75 |
AU NBAC N7-75 |
Pamphlets and leaflets from unions and political sources |
1922 - 1961 |
None |
76 |
AU NBAC N7-76 |
Press cuttings and legislation relating to JT Lang's attempt to deregister the National Union of Railwaymen |
1930 - 1932 |
None |
77 |
AU NBAC N7-77 |
Press cuttings book |
1918 - 1933 |
None |
78 |
AU NBAC N7-80 |
Electrical Trades Journal, Electrical Trades Union of Australia, vol. 25, no. 4 |
1937 |
None |
79 |
AU NBAC N7-81 |
Eveleigh Call, Eveleigh sub-branch, Australian Railways Union, no. 3 |
1938 |
None |
80 |
AU NBAC N7-82 |
Locomotive Journal, Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees (NSW), vol. 8, no. 12 |
1937 |
None |
81 |
AU NBAC N7-83 |
The Magnet, Central Council of Railway Shop Committees, vol. 1, no. 9 and vol. 2, no. 1 |
1933 - 1938 |
None |
82 |
AU NBAC N7-84 |
NSW Tramway Journal, Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees' Association (NSW), vol. 3, nos. 6 & 12 and vol. 4, nos. 10 & 11 |
1939 - 1940 |
None |
83 |
AU NBAC N7-85 |
Rail Worker, Australian Rail Workers' Movement, vol. 2, no. 10 |
1944 |
None |
84 |
AU NBAC N7-87 |
Railway and Tramway Record, Grand Council of Railway and Tramway Unions of NSW, vol. 15, no. 25 |
1918 |
None |
85 |
AU NBAC N7-89 |
Railway Journal, Victorian Railways Association, vol. 5, no. 4, vol. 9, no. 5 and vol. 10, no. 5 |
1922 - 1924 |
None |
86 |
AU NBAC N7-90 |
Railway Review, NSW Railway Operating Employees' Union, vol. 1, no. 8 |
1948 |
None |
87 |
AU NBAC N7-91 |
The Review, Central Council of Railmen's ALP committees, vol. 1, nos 1 & 7 |
1938 |
None |
88 |
AU NBAC N7-92 |
Tasmanian Railways Gazette, Australian Railways Union (Tas), vol. 5, nos. 4 & 11, vol. 6, nos. 3 & 4, vol. 8, no. 12 and vol. 9, nos. 3, 7, 8 & 10 |
1940 - 1945 |
None |
89 |
AU NBAC N7-93 |
Tramway Record, Australian Tramway Employees' Association, vol. 35, no. 2, vol. 36, nos 10 & 12, vol. 37, nos. 4, 7 & 8 and vol. 38, nos. 3 & 7 |
1930 - 1933 |
None |
90 |
AU NBAC N7-94 |
Voice of the Waterside Workers, Progressive Movement, Waterside Workers' Federation, vol. 2, no. 5 |
1938 |
None |
91 |
AU NBAC N7-95 |
Photograph of conference delegates, NSW Government Railways Permanent Way and Signalling Branches Association |
1928 |
None |
92 |
AU NBAC N7-96 |
Photograph of office staff, National Union of Railwaymen |
1935 |
None |
93 |
AU NBAC N7-97 |
Photograph of L Errington, New South Wales State President 1935 - 1936 and 1941 - 1942 |
1930s |
None |