Item report

archival descriptions hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions
1 AU NBAC T25-1-1 Minutes of the meetings of the Milk and Ice-Carters and Dairymen's Union of New South Wales. 24 Feb 1915 - 30 May 1916 None
2 AU NBAC T25-1-2 Minutes of the meetings of the Milk and Ice-Carters and Dairymen's Union of New South Wales. 9 Feb 1926 - 29 Oct 1930 None
3 AU NBAC T25-1-3 Minutes of the meetings of the Milk and Ice-Carters and Dairymen's Union of New South Wales. 21 Jan 1931 - 20 Dec 1939 None
4 AU NBAC T25-2-1 Contribution book of the Milk and Ice-Carters and Dairymen's Employees Union of New South Wales. Mar 1903 - Dec 1910 None
5 AU NBAC T25-2-2 Contribution book of the Milk and Ice-Carters and Dairymen's Employees Union of New South Wales. Jan 1918 - Dec 1920 None
6 AU NBAC T25-2-3 Contribution book of the Milk and Ice-Carters and Dairymen's Employees Union of New South Wales. Jan 1921 - Dec 1923 None
7 AU NBAC T25-3 Volume entitled "Expired and Other Industry Awards". n.d. None
8 AU NBAC T25-4 Papers relating to the Northumberland New Award. 1954 None
9 AU NBAC T25-5 Award details. 1959 None
10 AU NBAC T25-6 Drafts of addresses, circulars etc. relating to Health and Social Services. c. 1956 - 1959 None
11 AU NBAC T25-7 Papers relating to Social Services. 1956 None
12 AU NBAC T25-8 Papers relating to Health and Social Services. 1958 None
13 AU NBAC T25-9 Papers relating to National Welfare. c. 1958 None
14 AU NBAC T25-10 Papers relating to Contract Labour. 1949 - 1958 None
15 AU NBAC T25-11 Printed matter relating to Capital Punishment. n.d. None
16 AU NBAC T25-12 The case for the abolition of the means test / Public Service Association of New South Wales. Sydney : Public Service Association of New South Wales, 1960. 1960 None
17 AU NBAC T25-13 Report of the Investigator Mr EH Swift MA, under the Milk (Investigation) Act, 1936, Sydney, Government Printer. 1937 None
18 AU NBAC T25-14 Report of the Milk Board for the year ended 30 June 1958, Sydney, Government Printer. 1959 None
19 AU NBAC T25-15 Dr JH Hirshman, "Preventive & Social Medicine. A summarised report on aims and organisation". Endorsed by AW Thompson (as President, Combined ALP & Labor Council Social Services Committee). 11 April 1961 None
20 AU NBAC T25-16 H Messel, "The Importance of the Use of Nuclear Energy in Our Daily Lives in the Next Decade:. Address given to the NSW Central Executive of the ALP. 5 April 1957 None
21 AU NBAC T25-17-1 The Journal: Official Organ of the Milk and Ice-Carters and Dairymen's Employees' Union of NSW. Nov - Dec 1954 None
22 AU NBAC T25-17-2 The Journal: Official Organ of the Milk and Ice-Carters and Dairymen's Employees' Union of NSW. Oct - Nov 1959 None
23 AU NBAC T25-17-3 The Journal: Official Organ of the Milk and Ice-Carters and Dairymen's Employees' Union of NSW. Aug 1961 None