Item report

archival descriptions hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions
1 AU ANUA 412-1 TPNG House of Assembly, Expenditure and Physical Performance, 1966-1967: Papers presented by A.P.J. Newman MHA, Treasurer of the TPNG, for the information of members in connexion with the Budget of 1966-67, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 76pp. Aug 1966 None
2 AU ANUA 412-2 Administration of PNG, Dept of External Territories, Report of Joint Working Party on Educational Policy, Ts., roneo; 91 paras., appendices; c.200pp. Mar 1968 None
3 AU ANUA 412-3 TPNG, Programmes and Policies for Economic Development of Papua and New Guinea, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 120pp. Sep 1968 None
4 AU ANUA 412-4 TPNG, Appropriation Ordinance 1968-69, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 69pp. Aug 1968 None
5 AU ANUA 412-5 Report of the Advisory Committee on Education in Papua and New Guinea, 1969, Canberra, Union Offset; 89pp. The Committee is comprised of W.J. Weedon (Chair), C.E. Beeby and G.B. Gris. 1969 None
6 AU ANUA 412-6 Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, Request to the United Nations Development Programme (Special Fund) for Assistance in the Expansion of the Vocational and Industrial Training Programme in Papua New Guinea, roneoed, bound; 59pp. Oct 1971 None
7 AU ANUA 412-7 The Economist Intelligence Unit (Australia) Pty Ltd, A Study of the Less Developed Areas of Papua New Guinea, Melbourne, the Company; 142pp. Apr 1972 None
8 AU ANUA 412-8 Michael Somare (Chairman of the Administrator’s Executive Council), A Programme for Development Principles, Choices and Priorities: for the information of Members of the House of Assembly, Ts., roneo, 17pp.; together with A Statement by Michael Somare on the same topic, 30 Jun 1972, Ts., 3pp. Jun 1972 None
9 AU ANUA 412-9 TPNG, Country Programme Proposal for United Nations Development Programme Assistance 1973-1977, Ts., roneo; 19pp., annexes. Dec 1972 None
10 AU ANUA 412-10 Overseas Development Group (University of East Anglia), A Report on Development Strategies for Papua New Guinea for the International Bank for Reconstruction and development acting as executive agency for the UNDP, Ts., roneo, bound; 127pp. Feb 1973 None
11 AU ANUA 412-11 TPNG, Central Planning Office, Papua New Guinea’s Improvement Plan for 1973-1974; prepared in the Central Planning office by authority of the Cabinet Committee on Planning, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 162pp., map. Sep 1973 None
12 AU ANUA 412-12 Office of Programming and Co-ordination, The Development Programme Reviewed, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 114pp. Aug 1971 None
13 AU ANUA 412-13 Charles L. Beltz (Officer in Charge, Manpower Planning Branch, Dept of Labour), High Level Manpower in Papua and New Guinea: Current Situation and Future Prospects, Ts., roneo, 26pp., and appendices I-V. Sep 1968 None
14 AU ANUA 412-14 Manpower Planning Unit, Department of Labour, Monetary Sector Workforce 30th June 1966. Classification of Industries by Occupation and by Manpower Classes, Ts., roneo, bound; 56pp. Sep 1969 None
15 AU ANUA 412-15 Manpower Planning Unit, Department of Labour, Monetary Sector Workforce 30th June 1966. Classification of Occupational Groups by Industry and by Manpower Class, Ts., roneo, bound; 69pp. Nov 1969 None
16 AU ANUA 412-16 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, The Apprenticeship Scheme in Papua New Guinea - Quantitative Performance 1970-76, Ts., p/c; 8pp., tables and graph. Jul 1971 None
17 AU ANUA 412-17 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, Institutional Training in Papua New Guinea Statistical Compendium, Vol.I, Ts., roneo; 155pp. Aug 1971 None
18 AU ANUA 412-18 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, Institutional Training in Papua New Guinea Statistical Compendium, Vol.II, Ts., roneo; 146pp. Aug 1971 None
19 AU ANUA 412-19 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, Manpower Studies No.3: Analysis of Inputs to Tertiary Institutions 1971, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 13pp. +12 tables. Oct 1971 None
20 AU ANUA 412-20 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, Manpower Studies No.4: Longitudinal Study of 1969 School Certificate Examinees, Report No.2, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 22pp. + tables. Dec 1971 None
21 AU ANUA 412-21 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, Localization Prospects for Selected Manpower Categories in the Public Service of Papua New Guinea, Ts., roneo; 11pp., tables. Jun 1972 None
22 AU ANUA 412-22 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, Manpower Studies No.5: Analysis of Inputs to Tertiary Institutions 1972, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 19pp., +11 tables. Aug 1972 None
23 AU ANUA 412-23 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, Manpower Studies No.6: Institutional Training in papua New Guinea: a Statistical Summary, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 12 tables. Aug 1972 None
24 AU ANUA 412-24 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, Manpower Studies No.7: Rates of return to Investment in high level Manpower in Papua New Guinea 1970-71, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 29pp., appendices. Aug 1972 None
25 AU ANUA 412-25 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, Indigenous Institutional Input/Output Data - Tertiary and Post-Secondary Institutions in Papua New Guinea, 1970-80, Ts., roneo; 12pp. no date None
26 AU ANUA 412-26 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, Institutional Supply of Indigenous Labour in Papua New Guinea 1973-1980, Ts., roneo; 6pp., tables. Jun 1973 None
27 AU ANUA 412-27 Manpower Planning Unit, Office of Programming and Co-ordination, Manpower Studies No.8: Institutional Training in Papua New Guinea: a Statistical Summary, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 16 tables. Jul 1973 None
28 AU ANUA 412-28 Manpower Planning Unit, Pass Rates of Papua New Guinea Students at the University of Technology [1968-1969]; Ts., p/c, 1p. 13 Sep 1973 None
29 AU ANUA 412-29 TPNG Dept of Education, Secondary Schools Development. Secondary Planning Group: Progress Report, Ts., roneo, bound; 139pp. Jan 1968 None
30 AU ANUA 412-30 TPNG Dept of Education, Educational Organisation and Management in Papua and New Guinea: comparisions with other countries and possible implications for Papua and New Guinea, Ts., roneo, bound; 61pp. (2 copies.) Mar 1968 None
31 AU ANUA 412-31 TPNG Dept of Education, Social Sciences Course of Study, Year 1. Topic Guide: The School, Ts., roneo, bound; 24pp. Mar 1970 None
32 AU ANUA 412-32 TPNG, Dept of Education, Opportunities for Social Research in Education and Social Development in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 16pp. Dec 1970 None
33 AU ANUA 412-33 TPNG, Dept of Education, Secondary Rural Science and Business Principles Syllabus, Forms 1 & 2, Ts., roneo, bound; 13pp. Jan 1971 None
34 AU ANUA 412-34 TPNG, Dept of Education, Handbook to the Secondary English Syllabus, Volume 1, Ts., roneo, bound; 69pp. Jan 1971 None
35 AU ANUA 412-35 TPNG, Dept of Education, Secondary English Syllabus, Forms 3 & 4, Ts., roneo, bound; 23pp. Jan 1971 None
36 AU ANUA 412-36 Papua New Guinea Education Gazette, Vol.5, No.1-Vol.7, No.1 Feb 1971 - Feb 1973 None
37 AU ANUA 412-37 K.R. McKinnon & L. Daloz, Localisation and Executive Training, PNG Dept of Education, Ts., roneo, bound; 36pp. Mar 1971 None
38 AU ANUA 412-38 High Schools of Papua New Guinea: Karkar High School, Dept of Education Information Bulletin No.3, Port Moresby, Govt Printer; 17pp., illus. (2 copies.) Mar 1971 None
39 AU ANUA 412-39 PNG, Dept of Education, Vocational Centre Instructors. Pre Service Course Port Moresby-Goroka, Sept-Dec 1971, Ts., roneo, bound; 12pp. 1971 None
40 AU ANUA 412-40 PNG, Territory Education Board Annual Report 1970-1971, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 86pp. Mar 1972 None
41 AU ANUA 412-41 T.W. Chapman, The Territory Education Board: Its establishment; Its functions; Its procedures and means of operating; Some problems it faces, n.d., Ts., roneo, stapled; 13pp. n.d. (1971) None
42 AU ANUA 412-42 T.W. Chapman, District Education Boards: Establishment; Purpose; Method of operating; Some problems. Board of Management: Establishment; Functions; Method of operating; Some problems, n.d., Ts., roneo, stapled; 16pp. n.d. (1971) None
43 AU ANUA 412-43 K.C. Ferris, The District Education Board as part of the Territory Education System, Ts., roneo; 9pp. Jun 1971 None
44 AU ANUA 412-44 PNG, Dept of Education, Recent Developments in Education, Ts., roneo, bound; 18pp. n.d. (1971?) None
45 AU ANUA 412-45 PNG, Dept of Education, Recent Developments in Education 1972, Ts., roneo, bound; 18pp. n.d. (1972) None
46 AU ANUA 412-46 Ken R. McKinnon, Priorities in Education in Papua New Guinea, 6th Waigani Seminar, Ts., roneo; 17pp. (2 copies.) Mar 1972 None
47 AU ANUA 412-47 PNG, Dept of Education, Proposed Education Five Year Plan September 1973. (This document has been produced for discussion inside and outside the education system. Its status is that of a proposed plan and not an approved plan.), Ts., roneoed, stapled; 15 chapters, appendices, illus. n.d. (1973) None
48 AU ANUA 412-48 PNG, Dept of Education, 1975 Education Plan, Ts., roneo, stapled; 135pp. n.d. (1975) None
49 AU ANUA 412-49 Staff. 5 Years Plan Targets; Ts., roneo, 14pp. Jun 1968 None
50 AU ANUA 412-50 N.H. Fry (Special Projects Officer, Dept of Education), Population Growth and Education Planning; Ts., roneo, 35pp, plus appendix I-VII. Oct 1968 None
51 AU ANUA 412-51 Physical Performance Five Year Plan. Dept of Education, Physical Performance Statements and Estimated Expenditure 1966/67 to 1972/73; Ts., roneo, c.40pp. Feb 1969 None
52 AU ANUA 412-52 Education Statistics 1969. Official Education Statistics 1969; Ts., roneo, 29 tables. n.d. None
53 AU ANUA 412-53 Dept of Education, Research Branch, Research Bulletin No.1: A Report on Vocational Training Centres; Ts., roneo, 29pp, appendices. Jan 1970 None
54 AU ANUA 412-54 Indigenous Institutional Input/Output Data - Tertiary and Secondary Institutions in TPNG 1970-76; Ts., roneo, 5pp. n.d. (1970?) None
55 AU ANUA 412-55 Education Programme December 1970-August 1972. Philpott / Titus, Education Development Programme Exercise: Extension of the Current Education Development Programme 1971-1983, Aug 1972, Ts., roneo, 15 tables. Together with, Education Programme 1970-1975 Revised Draft (Amended) Supplementary Information Enrolments, Dec 1970, Ts., c.20pp. 1970 - 1972 None
56 AU ANUA 412-56 PNG, Dept of Education, Educational Services Division, Research Branch, Bibliography of Education in Papua New Guinea, Ts., roneo, bound; 87pp. Jan 1971 None
57 AU ANUA 412-57 R.P. Scott (DASF) and R.E. Young (Education Research), Some Comments on Primary School Agriculture; Ts., roneo, 16pp. n.d. (1972) None
58 AU ANUA 412-58 Teachers College Enrolments 1971 and 1972 (as at 12.5.71 and 5.5.72); Ts., roneo, 2pp. May 1972 None
59 AU ANUA 412-59 Dept of Education, Research Section, Educational Planning and Administration with particular reference to School Leavers and Unemployment in Papua New Guinea Bibliography; Ts., roneo, 33pp. 28 Jul 1972 None
60 AU ANUA 412-60 Russ J. Peters (A/Principal Adult Education Officer), A Proposal for the Reorganisation of Secondary Studies for Adults and School Leavers, Dept of Education, Adult Education Branch; Ts., roneo, 9pp. 1 Aug 1972 None
61 AU ANUA 412-61 Planning. High School Enrolments 1972/3. Discussion Documents Only. Holds: Philpott / Titus, Education Development Programme Exercise: Extension of the Current Education Development Programme 1971-1983, Ts., roneo, 15 tables (duplicate copy). Aug 1972 None
62 AU ANUA 412-62 Dept of Education, Research Branch, Education Statistics 1971, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 16 tables. (2 copies.) Aug 1972 None
63 AU ANUA 412-63 Education Statistics 1972. Includes: Dept of Education, Planning Section, 1966/1967 The Cost of Formal Educational Activities in Papua New Guinea…, Nov 1972, 12 tables; and Research Branch, 1972 Provisional Education Statistics; 15pp. 1972 None
64 AU ANUA 412-64 Metcalfe Report 1971 UNDP. International Labour Office, United Nations Development Programme, Technical Assistance Sector, Technical Memorandum to the Government of Australia on Manpower Assessment and Training Needs in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea; Ts., roneo, 125pp. n.d. (1971) None
65 AU ANUA 412-65 Technical Division Enrolments 1972. Dept of Education, Technical Division, District Staff Deployment 1972 and 1973, together with Technical Division Total District Institutional establishment 1972 and 1973, Ts., roneo, c.10pp., and other papers. Mar 1972 None
66 AU ANUA 412-66 Planning Branch, Proposed Education Development Programme a Modified Extension of the Current Education Development Programme 1971-1983; Ts. roneo, 19 tables. (2 copies.) Oct 1972 None
67 AU ANUA 412-67 R. Philpott, National Education System. Overall Summary of a Proposed Education Development Programme, 1971-1973: enrolments, staff, recurrent costs, Ts., roneo, tables 1-5. (2 copies.) Oct 1972 None
68 AU ANUA 412-68 Dept of Education, Planning section, Education Statistics Programme Review 1968-1973, Ts., roneo, tables 1-4. (2 copies.) Oct 1972 None
69 AU ANUA 412-69 R. Philpott, 1966/1967. The Cost of Formal Educational Activities in Papua New Guinea: actual and estimated; recurrent and capital; government and private, Dept of Education Planning Section; Ts., roneo, 15pp. Nov 1972 None
70 AU ANUA 412-70 PNG Institute of Technology Estimates 1972 / 1975; Ts., p/c, c.40pp. 1972 None
71 AU ANUA 412-71 University of PNG Estimates 1972 / 1975; Ts., p/c, c.40pp. 1972 None
72 AU ANUA 412-72 Planning. Various tables, annotated. n.d. (1972?) None
73 AU ANUA 412-73 Provisional Education Statistics 1973; Ts., roneo 10 tables. n.d. (1973) None
74 AU ANUA 412-74 PNG Dept of Education, Planning Section, Allocation of Educational Resources. National and District Development Plans: A Comparison, Ts., roneo, 6pp., and tables 1-6. 8 Jan 1973 None
75 AU ANUA 412-75 G. Obara (Dept of Education, Planning Section), Statistical Analysis of Staff and Student Enrolments by District (1970-1973), Ts., roneo, tables 1-14. Feb 1973 None
76 AU ANUA 412-76 A.N. Page (Office of Higher Education, Konedobu), Estimation of Professional Manpower Needs; Ts., 26pp. and appendices. Apr 1973 None
77 AU ANUA 412-77 Miscellaneous planning papers: Dept of Education Salary Estimates 1971/72; Education Budget 1971/72; Actual Expenditure 1970/71; Expenditure and Physical Performance: Proposals 1971/72 compared with results 1970-71; Plannned Expenditure 1971/72; Technical Schools/Colleges - Detail of Recurrent Costs/Student/Admin (1972); and other papers. 1970 - 1972 None
78 AU ANUA 412-78 The Problems of Technical Education; Ts., roneo, 3pp. n.d. (1964?) None
79 AU ANUA 412-79 Dept of Education, Technical Division, Extracts from a Proposal to the Ministerial Member for Education. Subject: Re-organisation of Technical Training Courses for Apprentices, Technicians and Others; Ts., roneo, 7pp., and appendices A-C. n.d. (1968?) None
80 AU ANUA 412-80 Dept of Education, Technical Division, Technical Division Objectives for 1970; Ts., roneo, 8pp. n.d. (1970?) None
81 AU ANUA 412-81 Technical Education Consultative Committee, Technical Education and Industrial Training: Proceedings of the Lae Seminar, 9-11 October 1969, published by the Committee; printed, bound, 258pp. 1970 None
82 AU ANUA 412-82 K.R. McKinnon (Director of Education), Technical Education and manpower Needs: working paper, draft one, March 1970; Ts., roneo, 15pp. (2 copies.) Mar 1970 None
83 AU ANUA 412-83 A. Stewart (Manager, Kamaliki Vocational Centre) & J. Pederick (Instructor, Kamaliki Vocational Centre), A Scheme for Young Farmer Training, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 14pp. Feb 1971 None
84 AU ANUA 412-84 Ian Hossack (Assistant Director, Technical Division), Recommendations on Possible Future Developments of Technical Education in Papua New Guinea [Recommendations by A. Page, Education Section, Dept. of External Territories, Canberra, following a two weeks investigation in Port Moresby, Aug 1971.]; Ts., roneo, 23pp. 22 Oct 1971 None
85 AU ANUA 412-85 Goroka Technical School: Information Bulletin for Students, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 4pp., illus. Nov 1971 None
86 AU ANUA 412-86 Konedobu Commercial Training Centre: Information Bulletin for Students, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 7pp., illus. Nov 1971 None
87 AU ANUA 412-87 Lae Technical College: Information Bulletin for Students; 5pp., illus. n.d. (Nov 1971) None
88 AU ANUA 412-88 Port Moresby Technical College: Information Bulletin for Students, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 8pp., illus. Nov 1971 None
89 AU ANUA 412-89 Tavui Technical School: Information Bulletin for Students, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 4pp., illus. Nov 1971 None
90 AU ANUA 412-90 Dept of Education, Technical Division, A guide for Careers Advisors in high schools: Students and Employers. Technical Training 1972; Ts., roneo, bound, 12pp. n.d. (1972) None
91 AU ANUA 412-91 Dept of Education, Technical Division, Technical Training 1972; Ts., roneo, 11pp. 1972 None
92 AU ANUA 412-92 Ian Hossack (Assistant-Director – Technical), Enrolments in Vocational Training Centres (Administration) 1968-1971, Dept of Education, Technical Division; Ts., roneo, 2pp. 12 Feb 1972 None
93 AU ANUA 412-93 Dept of Education, Technical Division, Staffing and Classification Mission Vocational Centres 1971-1972; Ts., p/c, 2pp. n.d. None
94 AU ANUA 412-94 Dept of Education, Technical Division, Vocational Centres Proposed Enrolments 1972 All Agencies; Ts., roneo, 2pp. (2 copies.) n.d. None
95 AU ANUA 412-95 Dept of Education, Technical Division, Vocational Centres (All Agencies) Proposed Enrolments/Staffing 1972; Ts., roneo, 3pp. 6 Mar 1972 None
96 AU ANUA 412-96 Dept of Education, Technical Division, Projected Enrolments Existing Schools/Colleges 1969-80; Ts., p/c, tables 1-10. (2 copies.) Jun 1972 None
97 AU ANUA 412-97 Dept of Education, Information on Training Courses at Form III and Form IV Level within the Technical Division of the Department of Education, Port Moresby, Govt. Printer; 35pp. Jun 1972 None
98 AU ANUA 412-98 Dept of Education, Technical Division, District Staff Deployment (Budget Ceilings) 1972-1973: Ts., p/c, 4pp. 28 Jun 1972 None
99 AU ANUA 412-99 Ian Hossack, Report on the Establishment of Maigabu College: Ts., roneo, bound, 38pp., appendices 1 & 2. Sep 1972 None
100 AU ANUA 412-100 Donald Forbes (Extension Officer, Popendetta and Higitura Vocational Centres, Northern District), Survey of Ex-trainees from Popendetta & Higaturu Vocational Centres; Ts., roneo, 3pp, plus chart. 13 Nov 1972 None
101 AU ANUA 412-101 Donald Forbes (C.U.S.O., Extension Officer), Extension in the Northern District: a report of activity in supporting the ex-trainees of Popendetta and Higaturu Voc Centres; Ts., roneo, 10pp. 30 Nov 1972 None
102 AU ANUA 412-102 J.A. Close (Vocational Centres Supervisor, Technical Division, Dept of Educ), Expansion of Vocational Centres to 1975; Ts., roneo, 13pp. 19 Dec 1972 None
103 AU ANUA 412-103 Koki Vocational Centre [information leaflet]; 2pp. n.d. (1972) None
104 AU ANUA 412-104 Dept of Education, Technical Division, A guide for Careers Advisors in high schools: Students and Employers. Technical Training 1973; Ts., roneo, bound, 17pp. n.d. (1973) None
105 AU ANUA 412-105 Papua New Guinea Institute of Technology, 1971 Annual Report and Financial Statements as at 31st December 1971; Ts., roneo, bound, 43pp. n.d. (1972) None
106 AU ANUA 412-106 Papua New Guinea Institute of Technology, Triennial Estimates 1973-1975; Ts., roneo, bound, 84pp. Feb 1972 None
107 AU ANUA 412-107 Papua New Guinea Institute of Technology, Triennial Estimates 1974-1976; Ts., roneo, bound, 89pp. Apr 1973 None
108 AU ANUA 412-108 Apprenticeship Board of Papua New Guinea, Annual Report Year Ended 30th June 1970, Port Moresby, Govt Printer; 10pp. Apr 1971 None
109 AU ANUA 412-109 Apprenticeship Board of Papua New Guinea, Annual Report Year Ended 30th June 1971; Ts., p/c, 13pp. n.d. None
110 AU ANUA 412-110 Apprenticeship Board of Papua New Guinea, Apprenticeship Record Book; 14pp. n.d. (1970?) None
111 AU ANUA 412-111 Apprenticeship Board Statistics as at 31st December 1971, Ts., carbon, 1p., annotated. Includes indentures registered, etc, 1958-1971, by trade. Dec 1971 None
112 AU ANUA 412-112 Numbers of Tradesmen Trained Through Apprenticeship in Papua New Guinea 1958-1972, Ts., carbon, 1p., annotated with figures for 1973. 1973 None
113 AU ANUA 412-113 The University of Papua New Guinea Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31st December, 1971; Ts., roneo, 14pp. 1971 None
114 AU ANUA 412-114 The University of Papua New Guinea Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31st December, 1972; Ts., roneo, 15pp. 1972 None
115 AU ANUA 412-115 Committee of Inquiry into Academic Staff Salaries, Conditions and Standards: background papers (file marked: Jun 1973 None
116 AU ANUA 412-116 The University of Papua New Guinea, Submissions for Recurrent and Capital Expenditures, 1974-1975; Ts., roneo, 225pp. Jul 1973 None
117 AU ANUA 412-117 Committee of Inquiry into University Development: General Business, Ts., roneo, 2pp. 11 Oct 1973 None
118 AU ANUA 412-118 Background papers for examination of costs per student place in tertiary institutions. File marked, no date None
119 AU ANUA 412-119 Considerations Relating to Economic Wastage in Higher Education in Papua New Guinea, Ts., pp.1-10, incomplete. no date None
120 AU ANUA 412-120 I.D. Scott, “Technical Education in TPNG”, a paper prepared for inclusion in the Encyclopaedia of Papua and New Guinea; Ts., roneo, 6pp. no date None
121 AU ANUA 412-121 Hugh Philip & Bruce Roberts, “The Regional Approach to Educational Development in Asia”, in Selleck (Ed.), Melbourne Studies in Education 1968-1969. P/c. 1969 None
122 AU ANUA 412-122 Manohar S. Nadkarni, Indigenous Entrepreneurs for Papua New Guinea, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation; Ts., roneo, bound, 28pp. 1970 None
123 AU ANUA 412-123 Richard Bourne, “Education’s Role Questioned”, “Inquiry into Teacher Training”, Guardian Weekly; Ts., roneo, 29 Aug 1970 None
124 AU ANUA 412-124 O.G. Pickard, Report of a Study into the Feasibility of a Fiji National Training Agency and Grant-and-Levy Scheme, Ministry of Labour, UK; Ts., roneo, 44pp. [Scheme aimed at expanding and improving industrial training in Fiji.] May 1972 None
125 AU ANUA 412-125 PNG Government, Country Programme Proposal for United Nations Development Programme Assistance 1973-1977; Ts., roneo, 19pp, and Annex I & II. Dec 1972 None
126 AU ANUA 412-126 Education Research Unit, University of PNG, A Community-Based Education System: A Proposal; Ts., roneo, 47pp. Dec 1972 None
127 AU ANUA 412-127 University of PNG, A Community-Based Education System: Proceedings of a Seminar Conducted by the Faculty of Education; Ts., bound, 83pp. Mar 1973 None
128 AU ANUA 412-128 Alan Jarman, Administrative Education and Training at USP: 1973; Ts, 18pp. [This and the following document were forwarded to Mark Turner in January 1996 and added to the Hossack Papers.] no date None
129 AU ANUA 412-129 Alan Jarman (Senior Lecturer, Development Administration), Administrative Training, Education and Research at USP in 1973: A Personal View, School of Social and Environmental Development, University of the South Pacific; Ts., roneo, 16pp. 3 Dec 1973 None
130 AU ANUA 412-130 John Oxenham, Summary of Lecture Series, 13 Feb-5 March, 1974 [on substitutes for formal school system in less developed countries]; Ts., p/c, 7pp. Feb-Mar 1974 None
131 AU ANUA 412-131 Michael Lipton, UNCTAD Schmunctad? [On UN Conference on Trade and Development.]; Ts., p.c, 18pp. no date None
132 AU ANUA 412-132 Notes on interviews with Professor Richardson (FAO Consultant), the Principal of the Administrative College and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of PNG; Ts., 5pp. no date None
133 AU ANUA 412-133 Notes on the administration of education in Uganda (Ts., p/c, 19pp.), Tanzania (Ts., p/c, c.20pp.), Ceylon (Ts., p/c, 5pp.), Kwara State of Nigeria (Ts., p/c, 7pp.), Zambia (Ts., p/c, 7pp.) and Mauritius (Ts., p/c, 15pp.). no date None
134 AU ANUA 412-134 C.E. Beeby, Planning and the Educational Administrator, Fundamentals in Educational Planning Series, UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning; 36pp. 1967 None
135 AU ANUA 412-135 Vaizey & Chesswas, The Costing of Educational Plans, Fundamentals in Educational Planning Series, UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning; 36pp. 1967 None
136 AU ANUA 412-136 UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning, IIEP Occasional Papers, Nos.2, 18-20, 27-29. 1967 - 1973 None
137 AU ANUA 412-137 UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning, The Fundamentals of Educational Planning: Lecture 1969 - 1971 None
138 AU ANUA 412-138 Tanzania, Ministry of Education, Conference for Self-Reliance, Dar es Salaam; 36pp. 1967 None
139 AU ANUA 412-139 United Republic of Tanzania, Tanzania Second Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development 1 Jul 1969-30 Jun 1974, Vol.II The Programmes, Dar Es Salaam; 115pp. 1969 None
140 AU ANUA 412-140 Commonwealth Secretariat, Youth and Development in Africa: Report of the Cmth Regional Youth Seminar, Nairobi, Nov 1969, London; 212pp. 1970 None
141 AU ANUA 412-141 Commonwealth Secretariat, Youth and Development in the Caribbean: report of Cmth Regional Youth Seminar, Trinidad, August 1970, London; 257pp. 1970 None
142 AU ANUA 412-142 Commonwealth Secretariat, Education in Rural Areas: report of the Cmth Conference on Education in Rural Areas, Ghana, Mar-Apr 1970, London; 314pp. 1970 None
143 AU ANUA 412-143 Bulletin (Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex), Vol.2, Nos 1 &.4, Jul 1970; Vol.3, Nos.1-3, 1971. 1970 - 1971 None
144 AU ANUA 412-144 Robert Cassen, Population, Development and the Distribution of Incomes, Communications Series, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex. Oct 1973 None
145 AU ANUA 412-145 W.D. Neal and W.C. Radford, Teachers for Commonwealth Schools, Canberra, AGPS; 104pp. 1972 None