Item report

archival descriptions hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions
1 AU NBAC E82-1-1 Minutes of meetings, Brisbane Shipwrights' Provident Union 1894 - 1905 None
2 AU NBAC E82-1-2 Minutes of meetings 1905 - 1921 None
3 AU NBAC E82-1-3 Minutes of meetings 1922 - 1942 None
4 AU NBAC E82-1-4 Minutes of meetings 1942 - 1947 None
5 AU NBAC E82-1-5 Minutes of meetings 1947 - 1950 None
6 AU NBAC E82-2 Press copy of letters 1927 - 1931 None
7 AU NBAC E82-3 Press copy of letters 1907 - 1923 None
8 AU NBAC E82-4 Record of proceedings in Brisbane Shipwrights' Provident Union v. Thomas Heggie before the High Court (on appeal from the Supreme Court of Queensland) and annual return of receipts and expenditure 1905 - 1906 None