Item report

archival descriptions hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions
1 AU ANUA 400-1 Tonga - Report of the Department of Education 1959 - 1961, 1963 - 1968 None
2 AU ANUA 400-2 Tonga - Report of the Agricultural Department 1959 - 1967 None
3 AU ANUA 400-3 Tonga - Report of the Minister of Finance 1965 - 1967, 1970 None
4 AU ANUA 400-4 Tonga - Report of the Public Works Department 1955, 1959 - 1964, 1966 - 1967 None
5 AU ANUA 400-5 Colonial Annual Reports - Tonga 1946 None
6 AU ANUA 400-6 Government of Tonga - Report of the Minister of Agriculture 1970 None
7 AU ANUA 400-7 Government of the Kingdom of Tonga - Department of Agriculture development plan 1970 - 1975 None
8 AU ANUA 400-8 Government of Tonga - Report of the Minister of Health 1959 - 1961, 1963 - 1968, 1970 None
9 AU ANUA 400-9 Tonga - Financial reports by WJR Pincott 1966 - 1967 None
10 AU ANUA 400-10 Tonga - Statement of Trade and Navigation 1967 None
11 AU ANUA 400-11 Report on the planning and development of Nuku'alofa, Tonga Jan 1969 None
12 AU ANUA 400-12 Tonga - Report on the salaries of the permanent establishment of the civil service 1969 None
13 AU ANUA 400-13 Tonga - Machineries for rapid economic development 17 Dec 1969 None
14 AU ANUA 400-14 Kingdom of Tonga - Estimates of revenue and expenditure and the development estimates 1969 None
15 AU ANUA 400-15 Kingdom of Tonga - Development Plan 1970 - 1975 None
16 AU ANUA 400-16 Tonga - Pieris report on coconut improvement 20 Nov 1961 None
17 AU ANUA 400-17 Tonga - Information sheet Dec 1969 None
18 AU ANUA 400-18 Government of Tonga - Report of the Minister of Works 1970 None
19 AU ANUA 400-19 Tonga - Report of the Lands and Survey Department 1959 - 1961, 1963 - 1964, 1966 - 1967, 1970 None
20 AU ANUA 400-20 Tonga - Report of the Department of Justice 1959 - 1961, 1963 - 1967, 1970 None
21 AU ANUA 400-21 Tonga - Report of the Police and Goals Department 1959 - 1961, 1963 - 1967, 1970 None
22 AU ANUA 400-22 Government of Tonga - Report of the Premier 1959 - 1961, 1963 - 1964, 1966 - 1967 None
23 AU ANUA 400-23 Government of Tonga - Report of the Prime Minister 1970 None
24 AU ANUA 400-24 WPHC - Correspondence relating to affairs in the Tongan Island Protectorate 1914 - 1930 None
25 AU ANUA 400-25 Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony - A report on th results of the census of population 1963 None
26 AU ANUA 400-26 Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony - A report on th results of the census of population 1964 None
27 AU ANUA 400-27 Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony - A report on the results of the census of population 1968 None
28 AU ANUA 400-28 The Constitution of Nauru c. 1968 None
29 AU ANUA 400-29 The Governor of Guam - Annual report 1960, 1962 - 1963 None
30 AU ANUA 400-30 Guam - An Act to create the Guam Economic Development Authority 21 Aug 1965 None
31 AU ANUA 400-31 Future Status of Micronesia - Draft report of committee Dec 1971 None
32 AU ANUA 400-32 Report of joint committee on the future status of Micronesia Apr 1972 None
33 AU ANUA 400-33 Official records of the fourth round of Micronesian future political status talks 2 - 13 Apr 1972 None
34 AU ANUA 400-34 Proceedings of the fifthe round of Micronesian status negotiations 12 Jul - 1 Aug 1972 None
35 AU ANUA 400-35 Micronesia - Draft Compact of Free Association Aug 1972 None
36 AU ANUA 400-36 Future Status of Micronesia - Proceedings of the sixth round of negotiations 28 Sep - 6 Oct 1972 None
37 AU ANUA 400-37 Future Status of Micronesia - Proceedings of the sixth round of negotiations 28 Sep - 6 Oct 1972 None
38 AU ANUA 400-38 Micronesian Status Negotiations - Proceedings of the seventh round of negotiations 14 - 21 Nov 1973 None
39 AU ANUA 400-39 Information and Education for Self-Government in Micronesia May 1974 None
40 AU ANUA 400-40 Fiji - Town Planning Board 1966, 1968, 1970 None
41 AU ANUA 400-41 Government of Western Samoa - Report on the preferential tariff 7 Nov 1949 None
42 AU ANUA 400-42 Government of Western Samoa - Statistical yearbook 1968 None
43 AU ANUA 400-43 Western Samoa - Annual Statistical Abstract 1970 - 1971, 1973 - 1974, 1976 - 1978 None
44 AU ANUA 400-44 Western Samoa - Income and tax statistics 1966 - 1968 None
45 AU ANUA 400-45 Western Samoa - Survey of business activities 1968 None
46 AU ANUA 400-46 Western Samoa - Survey of business activities 1972 None
47 AU ANUA 400-47 Western Samoa - Weekly Newsletter 1971 - 1973 None
48 AU ANUA 400-48 Western Samoa - Committee on the annual report of the Controller and Chief Auditor 1972 - 1973 None
49 AU ANUA 400-49 Western Samoa - Migration report 1976 None
50 AU ANUA 400-50 Reports and meetings on the Rhinoceros Beetle 1964 - 1966 None
51 AU ANUA 400-51 Papua New Guinea - pamphlets 1960 - 1972 None
52 AU ANUA 400-52 New Guinea - Linguistics pamphlets 1956 - 1964 None
53 AU ANUA 400-53 Papua and New Guinea - 1966 Population census Dec 1967 - Feb 1968 None
54 AU ANUA 400-53A UN General Assembly Report - Decolonisation of Papua New Guinea and Cocos Islands 1 Jan 1975 None
55 AU ANUA 400-54 Report on the Tokelau Islands 1948, 1975 None
56 AU ANUA 400-55 Reports on the Cook, Niue and Tokelau Islands 1955, 1961, 1964 - 1965 None
57 AU ANUA 400-56 Reports on Niue and the Tokelau Islands 1966 - 1970, 1973 - 1974 None
58 AU ANUA 400-56 Reports on Niue and the Tokelau Islands 1966 - 1970, 1973 - 1974 None
59 AU ANUA 400-57 Report on Maori Affairs 1959, 1970 None
60 AU ANUA 400-58 Cook Islands - Extract from New Zealand Statutes 1958 None
61 AU ANUA 400-59 Cook Islands - Cook book 1981 None
62 AU ANUA 400-60 New Zealand - Pamphlets 1947 - 1949 None
63 AU ANUA 400-61 The Kakamora Reporter 1970 - 1974 None
64 AU ANUA 400-62 British Solomon Islands Protectorate - Report of the Department of Education 31 Dec 1957 None
65 AU ANUA 400-63 British Solomon Islands Protectorate - Report on the population census of 1959 1961 None
66 AU ANUA 400-64 Radio Vanuatu - Local news bulletin 1982 - 1983 None
67 AU ANUA 400-65 Establishing the South Pacific Commission 1947 - 1949 None
68 AU ANUA 400-66 Griffen - Pacific research papers 2 Jun 1968 - 25 Mar 1970 None
69 AU ANUA 400-67 Report from East Timor 12 - 20 Mar 1975 None
70 AU ANUA 400-68 Studies in Demography at the Australian National University, 1978-1980 Dec 1980 None
71 AU ANUA 400-69 Copies of press cuttings on the Philippines circa 1976-1979 None
72 AU ANUA 400-70 Various papers by Robert Ho 1967 None
73 AU ANUA 400-71 Buku Maklumat Perangkaan Getah Malaysia / Rubber Statistics Handbook Malaysia 1971 None
74 AU ANUA 400-72 Kota Bharu Structure Plan: Report of a Survey Apr 1984 None
75 AU ANUA 400-73 Papers on Indonesia 1972 - 1979 None
76 AU ANUA 400-74 Palawija News: The CGPRT Centre Newsletter 1988-1990 None
77 AU ANUA 400-75 Proceedings of the Jakarta Workshop on Coastal Resources Management 1979 None
78 AU ANUA 400-76 Gulongan Masharakat: Community Groups (1970 Population and Housing Census of Malaysia) 1972 None
79 AU ANUA 400-77 1970 Population and Housing Census of Malaysia, Volume II - general housing tables towns, villages and local council areas, Part VI- Pahang 1972 None
80 AU ANUA 400-78 National Crop Survey: Acreage and Tree Population Crops in Smallholdings, West Malaysia 1972 None